*Time to change rules*

A lot of avoidable damage to life and property can be prevented by timely
action. People in olden days used to plant trees to mark and secure
property boundaries.  Even today they continue with this  practice just to
harass neighbours The statutes, as of now do not permit cutting of trees,
unless it poses risk to life The cumbersome process involves reports of
Police and agricultural officer (ZAO) Many a times  only the roots are in
the owner’s property , but the whole tree is spread over encroaching
neighbours space, creating nuisance and yet the owner enjoys easement
rights Legally speaking such a request is more than often rejected The
argument that the tree is prior to the habitat and that the structure is
deliberate move to  seem to hold. During rains and wind storms such plants
get uprooted causing mindless damage, Besides falling fruits, leaves lead
to breakage of tiles, even risk the life of the inhabitants

The rule needs to be changed with immediate effect, such that no owner
enjoys the right to the spread of the tree in the neighbour’s yard. Either
he has to be bound cut it or the cost recovered from the owner
Alternatively  any tree planted within 5 meters of the boundary be treated
as an offence tree

The social forestry planting trees along the roads and National highways is
again posing risk to commuters and motorists .Some isolated incidents
though have led to death of people, causing accidents, electrocution too.
The trimming of the trees along the roads must be undertaken well before
the monsoons.

The users of electricity, water, telephones are often denied permission by
neighbours to traverse through their property for the connection. This
needs to be amended too, making it as the right to these services
unhindered by any objections

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

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