Rock on Gabe!
Break a leg, is the kind of idiomatic phrase which should certainly be
part of Konknni. But its introduction as well as acceptance requires
some strategy. Considering, that "kator re bhaji" has some credence /
credibility in conjuring courage within the Goan community, on account
of the father of the Abbe de Faria, exhorting his son to seize the
moment and keep going when the younger Faria briefly ran out of words;
likewise, on the occasion that "kator re bhaji" is heeded when
uttered, its rustic affectation renders one into the realm of the
courageous--much as in the Japanese gambatte/gambatte kudasai (give it
your best (effort)/please) // gambarimasu (I will do my best). It is
only a matter of it being introduced in the right context for, "paim
mod re/go, or paim (pavom) moddat, to be embraced as a verbal talisman
towards fortitude and happy circumstance for performers and perhaps
even visual/performance artists. That context could be provided by
tiatrists and tiatr goers themselves. Or, imagine a play within a
play, titled Ek paim mod, Mod ek pavom, If this was to happen, the
hoi-polloi would take to it, as they have to the sad "pious
ejaculations" / exhortations that is Bollywood film dialog.

If we Goans can take to wearing sherwani's and blissfuly sweat in
Church compounds, travel in open cars for weddings where the mascara
on the women runs south and right and left of their doe-shaped eyes
(or almond-shaped), then it is possible that the phrase "break a
leg"-- its most approprite rendition into Konknni, can be accepted
into the Konknni idiom.

The people still respond to that dwindling quality--wit, although not
the politicians who hate satire, wit, irony--in fact most figures of
speech, other than the "rules of lathis." Yet, hefty physical
responses can still very often be dealt with wit.


> From: "Gabe Menezes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [Goanet] Fwd: SCARLETTE, MANNION & ME - By Adv. Jos.
>        Peter

> On 27/03/2008, Venantius Pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Good one Gabe.
> >  Here is my feeble attempt in Konknni. I feel such texts should also be
> >  seen and thought out in it Konknni--however sparingly.
> >
> >  Ami tigui portt'on kedd'nam melltele,*
> >  Ghoddghoddeant, viz ani pausan,
> >  Kost vozon jednam att'pun,
> >  Jednam yudh haron** ani viyaji (prapt) korun,
> >  Tednam tigui ami portt'orn melletele.
> >
> >  *    meutele
> >  **  sandun, sandlem
> >  PS: excuse or correct spellings or plain curse me : )
> >
> >  venantius
> RESPONSE: Thank you for the compliment, thanks a bunch for the
> translation into Konkani. Very befitting; we thought that Goans were
> superstitious, there are lots of others too.
> How about the expression 'break a leg' to wish good luck !  What would
> the recipient of this good wish think of the person delivering it in
> Goa ? This one cannot possibly be translated into Konkani, without
> some hefty physical response :-))
> --
> Gabe Menezes.
> London, England

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