Widespread discontent

You might think that discontent is only in Congress camp and disappointment
 with their voters .Congress  supporters are furious, but cannot direct
their ire at any one just now. The anger is bottled up unless and until it
finds a vent to discharge and that may be 5 years away,, Who knows, time is
a great leveler. Congress has muddled up a golden opportunity after
disaster of last assembly elections., Voters will not forgive them anymore.
.Electors had real apprehensions about their cohesiveness, considering
grandfathers nursing high ambitions. The elixir of grand success by
concoction of young and old has exploded in their face. The statement that
Congress is willing to have understanding with MGP was a brutal shock.. All
opposition to leadership was throttled and nipped in the bud by  cunningly
distributing tickets. .Personal ambitions , egos, delay was suicidal, as it
now turns out to be, coupled with  paralysis of authority and which fact
was capitalized by shrewd leader. Madkaikar, Mauvin  of earlier  Congress
have been elected and momentarily one is rewarded., Visvajit has abandoned
the sinking ship of Congress and more desertions  will be no surprise in

 BJP though lost CM, &7 Ministers and independents supporting the BJP were
wiped out.., Giving Ministerial berths to new comers, who defeated BJP
candidates is spreading disharmony. in BJP,. To be in power   senior BJP
chances are scuttled and who among them  will get the left out position of
Minister is  hobsons choice,, Loyalty, seniority of BJP legislators is
thrown  out to the winds. . Besides the candidates who castigated BJP right
and left will now be the bosses to whom BJP will have to bow down and shake
hands in absurd friendship without overt outbursts and swallow their pride.
The dissent is also brewing within rank and files of BJP., Will it  erupt
like a sudden volcano has to be seen.?

Voters are disgusted with independents too, who lashed out   mercilessly
 at  BJP calling all sorts of names and harsh tones. Now that they have
made common cause with the BJP, the voters are left high and dry to nurse
their wounds of hurt feelings and after ideologically identifying with the
 BJP. The signature tune of development and stability is echoed by everyone
to ward off the criticism of lust for power and betrayal a  la Judas
Iscariot.. What ever happened to development and stability for BJP which
was rejcted by electorate. Even some independents were supported by
Congress and without providing opposition or  fielding a weak candidate.

GFP had shown great hopes to disband the BJP, but their fiery speaker and
leader just melted  away in the face of power and pelf, Voters thought that
it would provide an alternative to both Congress and BJP . The biggest U
turn has left them dumb and speechless .They lived up to the maxim that
there are no permanent enemies in politics, but permanent interests that
take precedents over so called ideologies and principles. It is true that
politics is bereft of any ideologies and principles to which they bind
themselves  post  elections. The voters of GFP are the worst illusioned  d
for reposing their ultimate faith in the nascent party, The President of
GFP has resigned in utter disgust  with  biting criticism of respected
citizens and political pundits. GFP is flayed and skined alive all over
media in India and abroad

Voters feel they are all scoundrels with no permanent allegiance to voters
or parties, All their philosophy, rationalization is post victory for then
they are masters of all they survey, albeit for the good of the voters only.

MGP voters had no pre poll alliance with BJP. Davlikar was unceremoniously
ejected as the Minister in Coalition, MGP had no pre poll alliance in fact
it joined hands with GSM and SS to cut BJP to size, How do the MGP voters
feel about the U Turn in once again shaking hands with BJP for sake of
spoils of the office.? The verbal hate  and vitriolic  exchanges between BJP
and MGP during election campaigns leaves them dumb struck and in great

Hence voters across all parties are a highly disappointed lot, What cannot
be cured must be endured by the voters, A meeting at the residence of turn
coats, posts on social and print media is all the justification,
explanation , rationalization that is no music to the ears of the voters
.There should have been public, corner meetings, pamphlets, phone calls,
emails and FB posts to communicate their personal decisions as they did pre
elections to get real time bound feed back. But on the contrary they rushed
head long  and then resort to feeble, unconvincing prayer of arrogance

Finally only the Ministers in the new cabinet are the most happy, delighted
persons., Forget the voters and others left out in the cold without aspired
Ministerial berths They will be assured of total development in their
respective  constituencies of BJP, maybe there will promises of
compensation of some sort to keep them in good humour, crumbs of  being
named as heads of Corporations, or given employment preferences to their
voters and unlimited social benefits and Govt Schemes

It is for sometime that dissent will be suppressed with iron hand in BJP
with threats of disciplinary action, but how long it will be sustained is a
matter of political speculation.

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

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