On Mar 11 21:12:12 PDT 2007 Bosco D'Mello bospam at canada.com wrote:

Now since you choose to indulge in grandstanding and running around in circles instead of responding to direct questions, and would prefer the safe confines of ambiguity, I will draw my own conclusions in identifying the reasons for your insiduousness in this thread :

# 1 - You draw attention to Tony Martin because he said what you wished to say but don't have the mettle for, which is to criticize the DES. # 2 - You started at me because I silenced Gllenda's constant abuse of the Catholic Church in Goa. Something you were happy was happening. # 3 - You would prefer to intimidate me into not contesting your nonsense, just because I'm a member of Goanet Administration. Another form of censoring. # 4 - You would rather demonize than discuss as you have done here over the years.


It is not surprising that you have come up with some more calumnies in your post. Now, let me debunk your above presumptuous assertions, starting with #2, because you seem to be so embroiled and hooked on it, while desperately trying to drag me into your aberrations instead of focusing on the real issues plaguing the educational system in Goa.

Bosco D'Mello wrote:
# 2 - You started at me because I silenced Gllenda's constant abuse of the Catholic Church in Goa. Something you were happy was happening.

False! This is a blatant lie and unfounded accusation. Neither had I any intent to get at you on account of your silencing Gllenda as you stated above, nor is there any evidence to support this lie.

Bosco, it is interesting to know that you want me to fight your battles for you. In fact, you did very well in silencing Gllenda; I donÂ’t understand why you would be seeking my help in this respect? If you need support, I am sure you have your usual Goanet supporters at your beck and call. I donÂ’t understand why you want to drag me particularly into your personal contest with Gllenda?

On the contrary, isnÂ’t it interesting to note that you were silent all these past years, when a Goanetter was regularly ridiculing peopleÂ’s religion and religious beliefs, while another individual was vehemently attacking the Vatican, Pope and the Church?

I did not recall you saying anything then in support of the Church or the Vatican? Now, why this sudden change of heart? I did not complain when you did not say a word, while I was confronting the obnoxious attacks by the above Goanetters on other peopleÂ’s religion/religious beliefs, the Vatican/Pope or the Church. Why are you now suddenly embittered and targeted me for not joining you in silencing someone whoÂ’d attack(ed) the Catholic Church?

Please donÂ’t drag me into your controversies -- as you seem to pick and choose your battles, based on who your friends are, on Goanet. Surely, those who (earlier) slammed, slandered and/or ridiculed the Vatican/Pope/Church or religion and religious beliefs, conveniently escaped your curiosity and attention, all these past years.

Now, looking at the sequence of posts, you will notice that I entered into this discussion only after Albert Desouza posted his Feb 19th post, and even so, I changed the subject line to read: “Education in Goa” (and not “Catholic Schools” which was the original thread.) My post on Education in Goa, had nothing to do with your battle with Gllenda. My input was based on the following statement posted by Albert D'Souza:

Albert Desouza <alizadesouza at hotmail.com> wrote on Feb 19 2007:
My daughter who has passed BSC and is working still finds it very
difficult to write or speak English in gramatical sense because of her
primary edn in konkani. Qua Vadis Dommin, where are you going my Lord?
-Albert D'Souza

Bosco D'Mello wrote:
# 4 - You would rather demonize than discuss as you have done here over the years.

You can very well deduce from the above, who is doing the demonizing by piling accusations on me, and dragging me into your squabble with Gllenda.

Bosco D'Mello wrote:
# 3 - You would prefer to intimidate me into not contesting your nonsense, just because I'm a member of Goanet Administration. Another form of censoring.

I cannot imagine how I can intimidate (or censor) the all powerful Bosco, who enjoys the privileges and powers vested in him as Goanet AdministratorÂ…in silencing others. :-)

Bosco D'Mello wrote:
# 1 - You draw attention to Tony Martin because he said what you wished to say but don't have the mettle for, which is to criticize the DES.

Tony Martin is not the only person who has spoken against the current “dysfunctional” educational system in Goa; there are numerous other netters who have criticized the current system, -- and all of these posts are available within the archives of Goanet.

Bosco D'Mello wrote:
In response to your query, please note my kids will not go to school in Goa as their parents don't live in Goa. They would, if we lived there. Again I'm surprised by your query after you pleaded in your last message not to get personal. I suppose you want it one-way only.

Good for you Bosco. Surely, we can see -- whatÂ’s good for the goose is NOT good for gander. If folks who live in Goa can send their kids abroad for education, canÂ’t those living in the West send theirs to Goa -- where education is purportedly of good standing according to you? :-)

No, I am not the one getting personal here, and it is you who wants it “one-way” (i.e. Bosco’s way or the highway.) Now, how do you reconcile with the fact that some of the policy makers and politicians in Goa, who advocate a “dysfunctional” educational system, saying it’s the best for children in Goa, conveniently send their own kids to English medium schools or abroad for education? Do we see “double standards” and hypocrisy here?

I hope that good sense will prevail so you ‘cease and desist’ in making further unwarranted and unsubstantial accusations. I have already cleared a bunch of aberrations, fallacies and calumnies in your subject posts. I do not wish to waste my efforts in frivolous exercises of this nature.

Best wishes,
Joe Vaz

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