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Nazar da Silva

This is a true story of two IITians: one who lives near Chennai,
on the east coast of our country, and the other on the west
coast, in the State of Goa. Both are professionals committed to
a cause. Each of them uses his skills and expertise to promote
and achieve his goal. However, while the vision of one is overt,
unfortunately, the vision of the other is covert. One is
patently transparent while the other is suspiciously cagey and
fails to inspire confidence.

          If you live in Goa and have even a cursory knowledge
          of its politics, you will easily recognise the one
          with the hidden agenda: after all, the party he owes
          allegiance to excels in the art of pursuing a hidden
          agenda. You are right. He is none other than the
          affable ex-Chief Minister of this State, Shri Manohar

Without any shadow of doubt, a veritable cyber trail links this
IITian to a spate of unseemly activities that are highly
suspect. First and foremost, on the excuse of political
stability, he had co-opted and co-habited with the most
unsavoury characters from the Opposition, giving them plum
portfolios and a free hand to loot and plunder with impunity.

Then, very systematically, he had extensively saffronised the
bureaucracy with particular attention to law and order and
education. This gentleman used devious means to create a rift
and a divide between the two major communities, but it was his
scheme to misguide and brainwash school-going children with a
wickedly conceived VCD on a concocted 'freedom struggle' that
was most reprehensible.

This IITian of the West coast finally met his nemesis because of
a spurious plan to 'develop' the city of Panjim on the IFFI
bandwagon. Though the city was transformed almost overnight into
a fairyland of lights, ten days later, at its stroke of
'midnight', it simply collapsed.

The IITian's dream had become a nightmare for the hapless
citizens of Panjim: The centuries old storm water drainage
system of the city has been reduced to a shambles due to faulty
and hasty redesigning undertaken without mandatory technical

Likewise, the handsomely renovated riverside boulevard has
become a parking lot and a haunt for unsavoury elements. The
newly erected wrought iron lampposts with underground cabling,
now pose a death trap for the unwary pedestrian because of
broken junction boxes at ground level.

The Charles Correia-designed centre for the performing arts, the
Kala Academy, was re-designed with his personal sanction
amounting to legalised vandalism. Consequently the flash floods,
that inundate the city every time a cloud appears on the
horizon, have seriously damaged expensive, newly installed,
state of the art, electronic equipment. The hastily constructed
concrete parallel bridge across the Ourem creek has symbolically
become the 'bridge too far' for the ousted CM.

          Switch now to the East coast where the IITian that we
          focus on is a chemical engineer and brilliant alumnus
          of IIT Chennai. His name is Rangaswamy Elango. After a
          short stint in service as an executive engineer and
          scientist, he was persuaded to stand for direct
          election to the post of Sarpanch (village council
          chief) of Kuthumbakkam Village Panchayat, an hour's
          bus ride from Chennai.

The strength of its Gram Sabha (village council) is
approximately 5000. More than half the population is Dalit
(former untouchables) and landless. The panchayat (village
council) has eight hamlets disbursed in an area of about 36
sq.km. fertile, agricultural land that produces mainly rice and

Elango too is Dalit. He believes very strongly in Gandhiji's
concept of the village economy. From early childhood, with his
father as a role model, he was drawn towards confronting issues
of social injustice.

His family is held in great respect for its adherence to
Gandhian principles and selfless service to the community.
Alcohol was a scourge in this village: illicit liquor-stills
proliferated. Women and children became victims of violence and

Even in his youth, Elango was known to admonish abusive
husbands. So when his nomination for Sarpanch was filed in the
1997 elections, the illicit liquor producers and traders became
apprehensive. They shrewdly used the caste card to try and
thwart a possible win for Elango.  Their plans did not succeed.
Elango is now in the middle of a second term as Sarpanch with a
record of very successful and innovative achievements. He has
kept a steadfast focus on development and refuses to be drawn
into the politics of caste because it is so divisive and

          A stickler for transparency, Elango has made it a
          practice to display the daily position of income and
          expenditure on the panchayat notice board.  In this
          way he has won the confidence of the people, and their
          expectations are tailored to what is in the kitty.

Elango's first move on taking office was to convene a Gram Sabha
(village council meeting of all eligible voters). Not
surprisingly the Gram Sabha in Kuthumbakkam today always has a
quorum! Over a thousand members attend every Gram Sabha. The
people are encouraged to express their views openly and without
fear of being put down; and it is they who decide on the
priorities for village development.

Elango applies his skill and knowledge to implement projects
economically with the help of local human resources and wisdom
of the elders. The results are astounding.

Cottage industry adds value to the local produce before it is
marketed. For example: investment in oil expellers and the soap
industry has proved more profitable than selling raw groundnut
through middlemen.

Persons once involved in the illicit liquor industry have
discovered that they can be engaged in profitable economic
activities in the village itself: bricks made from clay, husk
and cement according to an Elango formula are popular because of
their insulating properties.

This village meets its own needs as well as the demand for such
bricks from neighbouring panchayats. Fly-ash, previously
discarded as waste material by the lignite industry, is now used
in the manufacture of roofing tiles and slabs, and in the lining
of canals. A Community hall has been constructed using the
locally produced material in collaboration with HUDCO, the
housing and urban development corporation.

          One of Elango’s innovative ideas was his design for
          street light fittings. He adapted these fittings for
          use with low wattage bulbs. That decision has reduced
          the Panchayat's energy bills for street-lighting by
          over 60%. The manufacturers of the bulbs were not too
          happy about the use of their bulbs for outdoor
          purposes.  They tried to persuade Elango to stop the
          practise, but he persisted. Eventually they came back
          to him with a request that he use their logo on the
          fittings which are manufactured indigenously in the
          village itself. Elango refused. For him the political
          integrity and freedom of the people was more important
          than easy money.

The policy of putting people first paid off in many ways. There
was a time when Elango was put behind bars -- allegedly on the
orders of the Tamil Nadu chief minster Ms Jayalitha -- on a
frivolous charge of misappropriation of funds . He was two days
in prison before his interrogators agreed to question the Gram
Sabha of Kuthumbakkam. The people, incensed by the obviously
fabricated line of questioning, poured scorn on the false
allegations; so much so, the bureaucrats hastily withdrew with
many apologies.

But Elango's master-stroke is an effort to remove the caste
divide by using a subsidised housing scheme: The Panchayat has
built semi-detached houses for 100 families. Each family has to
raise only Rs.10,000 (a little over US$200). The remaining
Rs.25,000 comes by way of a government subsidy. There is one
condition attached: in each semi-detached unit, one family is
Dalit and in the adjoining unit the family is of another caste.
This is working wonders for integration and erasing the caste

          Today the story of Rangaswamy Elango and the Village
          Panchayat of Kuthumbakkam is a saga of the success of
          local government that Gandhiji and Jaiprakash Narayan
          would be immensely proud of.

Out of 740 village panchayats in the State of Tamil Nadu, about
500 regularly interact with Elango. People from Rajastan,
Maharashtra, Bihar, Jharkhand, Orissa and Goa have visited this
model village and returned enriched by their experience.

Industry has begun to take note of the work ethic that has taken
root in the village: Hyundai is formulating a plan to train the
local youth with the intention of outsourcing an assembly unit
in the village. The Panchayat Samiti, a block of twenty
Panchayats benefits from Elango's expertise. He is now engaged
in planning to establish a Panchayat Academy to study and create
an exchange centre of ideas that could be replicated or improved

Two IITians, two visions, two models of development, separated
by the vast breath of our land -- and by vastly differing
ideologies. Do we see the choice before us? Are we economically,
culturally or socially free to choose?

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Nazar da Silva is a Moira-based senior citizen, who
is active in a number of social issues and campaigns. He can be
emailed at [EMAIL PROTECTED] He acknowledges the debt to Vizilia de
Sa for the first-hand report of her visit to the model Village
Panchayat of Kuthumbakkam in Tamil Nadu.

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