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Goan Art, going global

By V. M. de Malar

The action took place in New York last week; it was a record-breaking,
trend-setting, couple of hectic days. First Sotheby's, and then
Christie's the next day, two gala auctions of Indian art to test depth
and staying power in the Indian art boom that has seen prices soar many
hundredfold in just over a decade. 

If you read the Indian national press, you already know what happened.
Tyeb Mehta's 'Mahishasura' became the first contemporary Indian
painting to sell for the equivalent of a million dollars, it finally
went under the hammer for a whopping seven crores.

But the news of real relevance to Goa came riding the crest just behind
the million-dollar Mehta painting; the two auctions established record
new prices for at least five other great Indian contemporary artists,
among them two great pioneering Goans, Francis Newton Souza and Vasudeo
S. Gaitonde. These sons of our soil were friends, contemporaries, and
students of Mumbai's prestigious J. J. School of Art. 

They were integral members of the groundbreaking Progressive Artists
Group that jumpstarted the modern movement that has eventually led to
last week's million-dollar sale. And now paintings by both men have
crossed the one crore level for the first time, they're acknowledged
treasures of India's cultural heritage.

Sadly, the news of commercial success in the biggest art market in the
world came too late to gladden the heart of either man. Gaitonde died
in New Delhi in 2001, Souza in Mumbai less than a year later. 

Both had suffered isolation and a kind of neglect in the years when no
one understood or appreciated their efforts to create a new art for a
newly independent country, both had to head overseas for long periods.
Souza even wrote that it would have been better had he not survived a
traumatic childhood episode of smallpox. Death, he said, "would have
saved me a lot of trouble. I would not have had to bear an artist's
tormented soul, create art in a country that despises her artists and
is ignorant of her heritage."

But it was never really about the money for either of these mavericks.
Both were deeply committed, and resisted commercialism in order to
pursue individual impulses. 

Gaitonde virtually single-handedly created the abstract stream of
modern Indian art; even as the marketplace shifted he maintained
absolute fidelity to his own distinctive style. His works are now
acknowledged as the most important and original abstract paintings to
come from the subcontinent.

And, no one has been more important to modern Indian art than F. N.
Souza. He led the way for his peers in everything; first to reject the
excessive formalism of the Brit-influenced J.J. School, first to become
politically aware and nationalist, first to conceive of a new Indian
art, founder of the Progressive Artist's Group, discoverer of M. F.
Husain and a whole slew of others. 

Souza also headed West very early in his career and then became the
first Indian artist to make a name for himself abroad; by the 1960's he
already was an established celebrity in London, with high profile
exhibitions and serious critical acclaim. He experimented with a kind
of Pop Art at least a decade before the idea was even named, his
iconography expanded to embrace personalities and politics of the
larger world, he became India's first real world artist even if no one
understood what was happening.

Goa is in the paintings of Souza and Gaitonde, overtly and riotously in
the case of the former and obliquely in the latter's. But where are the
paintings of Souza and Gaitonde in Goa? They're easily seen in museums
in London and New York, and even New Delhi and Mumbai. 

But here in Goa, where most people have barely heard of either painter,
we have nothing; no museums, no education for our students about these
great Goans, no roads named, no recognition. We have yet to acknowledge
that these two great Goans created works that are crucial to our
culture, which are irreplaceable modern artifacts of our evolving
heritage. No civilized people treats its great artists like this.

We Indians have the unfortunate habit of only appreciating what we have
after someone else praises it. Well, we've reached the point where
Souza's and Gaitonde's paintings are being sold for a crore each in New
York. Isn't it time we started to honour their legacies properly here,
in their homeland?

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