Hello, Lorna

          Konkani singer Lorna Cordeiro is back in the news
          with a controversy triggered by a film on her life.
          Reena Martins meets the reclusive crooner

Illustration: Sumitro Basak

It's late evening in old Mumbai's Dhobitalao area, a place
that once bustled with Irani cafes and Goan musicians. The
only rambling Irani cafe with dainty cream cakes on the shelf
is winding down for the day, while the Goan musicians blow
their horns in greener pastures.

A stone's throw away, in a tiny sparsely furnished apartment,
lives a music legend - the Konkani singer, Lorna Cordeiro,
now in her sixties. The woman with the golden voice who wowed
listeners in Calcutta, Delhi and Mumbai is back in the news
with a controversy triggered by a Konkani film on her life.

          Cordeiro - a recluse who seldom meets the press -
          settles down in an old chair in a pair of shorts,
          not a lock out of place in the puffed-up hairdo.
          She hopes that there will be a private screening
          for her of Nachomiya Kumpasar (Let's Dance to the
          Rhythm), a musical strung together with 20 of her
          songs composed by her music mentor, Chris Perry, in
          the Sixties and Seventies.

"Else I will be gheraoed in the theatre," she says.

Lorna (Donna in the film) is played by the newcomer, Palomi
Ghosh. A graduate in applied mathematics who moved to Mumbai
five years ago from North Carolina, Ghosh says she had only
20 days to "cram" the Konkani dialogues. "But Konkani is a
bit like Bengali, so that helped."

The film's director, Mumbai-based ad filmmaker Bardroy
Barretto, says he had asked Lorna for permission to do a
biopic on her, but the project fizzled out as she was
"uncomfortable". So he ended up "fictionalising" her story.
Nachomiya Kumpasar was the title of one of Lorna's first
Konkani songs.

Lorna recalls that Chris first heard about her after she
became the "talk of the town" for her rendition of Under the
Mango Tree from the James Bond thriller Dr No, which she'd
sung with Raymond Albuquerque and his band at the Bandra

          He was looking for a crooner, and she auditioned
          for him.  "He said, 'Today a star is born in
          Saligao (her village in Goa).  I no longer have to
          look for another singer,'" she says.

Lorna's story is an incredible roller coaster ride of a tale:
she touched the stars and was flung back to the ground, only
to rise again.

As a young girl, she sang along with the radio, "so loud, I
could blow the roof off". An old Parsi neighbour would clap
and gift her four annas. "My girl, one day you'll be a big
singer," he'd often say.

Soon she was singing for weddings with a local band called
Bajaj and his Dance Band. Life was simple and the money good.

And then Chris - Larry in Barretto's film - discovered her.

"I only had a voice; it was Chris who moulded me," she says.
"He'd hit me on the back if I slouched, and told me how to
move around the stage."

Chris played the trumpet, while she - in a slim silken gown
and bouffant wig - sang jazz in the nightclub circuit: Venice
and Blue Nile in Mumbai; Lido and Gaylord in Delhi; and
Firpo's in Calcutta.

          The chemistry between Lorna and Chris, who was
          married and had four sons, was high voltage stuff,
          and woe betide any musician who came too close to
          her.  "Chris wouldn't let any of us chat or laugh
          with her," recalls Ronnie Monserrate, music
          director of Nachomiya Kumpasar, whose band does a
          "tightrope walk" syncing with Chris's music tracks
          recorded from live shows for the film.

"But even if we were in a relationship, so what? Wasn't it
happening then? Doesn't it happen now," Lorna asks.

Chris was also a hard taskmaster. A falsetto would invite a
shower of abuse or even worse. "Musicians who've played with
Chris tell me that he'd slap or even stub cigarettes on the
palm if you hit a wrong note," says Vijay Maurya, a
Mumbai-based adman who plays Larry in the film.

But Chris, who died in 2002, was also a musical genius who
would scribble lyrics sitting anywhere -even at the back of a
cab, Lorna says.

The songs spoke of love, longing and betrayal. "It's as
though he knew what he would put me through," she muses.

When he dumped her - moving to Dubai to start a music school
in the Seventies - Lorna was left with a wiped out bank
balance and a broken spirit and body. Monserrate says she had
to take up a job as a compounder at a dentist's clinic. And
she stopped singing.

"I did not even hum a tune in all those years," she says.
"Chris beat up any musician who tried to get me to sing or
any man who wanted to marry me. He ruined me. I lost my
youth. I can't imagine where I would have reached had I
continued singing."

          But she did make a comeback in the early Nineties,
          persuaded by Monserrate.  A very young Monserrate,
          who had been a member of Chris's band in the
          Seventies, visited Lorna one evening but didn't
          ring the bell fearing she'd slam the door in his face.

"I stood outside her door and whistled a little tune that is
a code among musicians," he says.

Lorna finally opened the door and Monserrate was shocked to
see her. Hard times and alcohol had battered her body. "I
thought there was no way she could come back from such a
terrible shape," he says.

But when he asked her to sing a Konkani song for old times'
sake, he found that the embers were still alive. For six
months, he would drive from Bandra to Dhobitalao with his
keyboards after work for nightly practice sessions for a show
that was to be called Hello Lorna.

The comeback wasn't easy either. On the night of the show at
the Miramar beach in Goa on December 1, 1995, Chris suddenly
came to Lorna's hotel lobby. He brandished before the waiting
press a 20-year-long bond that barred her from singing with
any musician besides him, says Lorna.

The band chickened out and a new set of musicians had to be
hired for the concert. "I was escorted to the venue and back
in a police van," she remembers.

          Backstage, she sweated beads, till the opening
          lines of her Konkani song, Aikat mozo tavo ( Listen
          to my voice), drove the sea of heads berserk,
          Monserrate adds.

As she headed to the hotel after two songs, traffic was still
snaking towards the venue. "People were curious because of
rumours that I was dead," Lorna says.

Hello Lorna set the stage for her comeback, and she has since
then been singing in England, Canada and the Gulf. "I have a
lot of masti (zest) in me and enjoy the audience. Many of
them cry as I sing. But before they cry, I have to feel the

As for the man who taught her to move about on stage, "I will
never find another person like Chris, a genius who is
imitated to this day," Lorna says. "I have forgiven him."

Contact: Reena Martins

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