'This is the BJP's political mafia raj at work'
March 15, 2017 08:54 IST

'What I mean by the BJP's
political mafia raj is they
descend in such a way that they
want to form the government
anyhow and murder democracy, no
matter what.'

'Knowing Amit Shah, knowing
Parrikar, knowing their style
of working, they will engineer
a split in the Congress.'

Professor Prabhakar Timble is the president of the Goa
Forward Party whose three MLAs went against his advice to
support the Bharatiya Janata Party's coalition government in

In a no-holds-barred interview with Rediff.com's Prasanna D
Zore, Professor Timble questions Goa Governor Mridula Sinha's
decision to invite the BJP to form a government, exposes the
Congress' role in ditching his party before the polls, and
justifies why he resigned as president of a party whose
primary reason for existence was defeating the BJP.

Q: Why did you resign as president of the Goa Forward Party
when all your party MLAs decided to support Manohar
Parrikar's coalition government?

I resigned because I found the decision to go with the BJP
abrupt and abrasive.

I also found it unprofessional because the mandate of the
people is against the BJP.

          Our campaign, from the day we formed the Goa
          Forward Party, was fought with the sole purpose of
          ousting the BJP from power.

So, our first choice should not be embracing the BJP or
allowing it to come to power.

They (the BJP) have actually lost power in the state.

          Finally, the BJP could cobble up the numbers -- and
          I didn't say it for the last two days and I am
          saying it now because I didn't want to thrash my
          colleagues with harsh words before their swearing
          in took place -- because this is the BJP's
          political mafia raj at work.

They descend upon you, they pressurise you so much, and the
GFP, which fought the elections on the plank of Goenkarpon
(Goan-ness), finally succumbed to it.

Q: When your sole objective was to defeat the BJP, how can
one justify the GFP's support to the same people who they
wanted out of power in the state?

          The fact is the Congress party ditched the GFP
          right from the beginning.

The day we formed the GFP, we staunchly said we wanted to
dislodge the BJP from power and for that we wanted to have an
alliance with the Congress.

Knowing that we were a new party, we knew we won't be able to
reach out in all the constituencies.

Q: What changed so much after the elections that all your
party MLAs have gone with the BJP?

          The Dhavalikar brothers -- Sudin and Dipak (of the
          Maharashtrawadi Gomantak Party) -- have always been
          with the party in power. They have been doing it
          since the last 20 years.

Q: What happened to your party MLAs? Were there promises of
cabinet berths by the BJP?

          To be very frank, I don't know.

We (the GFP and its MLAs) discussed the matter; the Congress
had also engaged us in discussions, but the only thing that
weighed against the Congress was they had ditched us before
the elections.

They refused to ally with us although we begged with them for
an alliance.

Then they put up a candidate against Vijai Sardesai in
Fatorda violating all etiquette and understanding.

They put up a candidate against us in Saligaon and almost put
up a candidate in Sivolim.

This proved they (the Congress) wanted us to fail because we
were fighting against two BJP ministers and wanted to
dislodge them.

First, you want us defeated and after the elections you come
to seek our help.

Q: Isn't it ironic that a party which wanted to defeat the
BJP in 2017 before the elections is now allying with them in
a coalition?

I found it totally unprofessional and so I resigned.

My argument was the BJP cannot be our first choice.

Finally, a government had to be formed and the Congress
should have been our natural choice.

The GFP MLAs were also in two minds, but Vijai Sardesai took
the lead and clinched the deal with the BJP.

I knew I should not lead and defend such decisions. I wanted
to be out of this muck.

Goenkarpon is not just taking oath in Konkani. Goenkarpon is
something more bigger than such symbolism.

Q: What do you mean by the BJP's political mafia raj?

          Whatever the BJP might say, the fact is they are
          gobbling up the MLAs. According to me, once you got
          just 13 seats, you should have stayed out of power
          and allowed the other party to move first.

You (the BJP) should have staked a claim to form a government
only after the Congress failure to do so.

Q: Did the BJP lure your MLAs with the promise of cabinet

To be honest, I don't take the inducement of cabinet berths
as a big issue.

The Congress too would have done the same thing.

That is natural because as a party we will have to protect
our interests and you cannot get our support if you don't
protect our interests.

We can only take forward our agenda if our people get

          What I mean by the BJP's political mafia raj is
          they descend in such a way that they want to form
          the government anyhow and murder democracy, no
          matter what.

The governor (Goa Governor Mridula Sinha) has no options once
numbers are put forth before her.

Once the BJP musters the support of 21 MLAs in a 40-member
assembly, the governor has to call them.

          But just as the Election Commission of India
          follows a code of conduct before the elections, so
          that there is fairness and a level playing field
          for all political parties and contesting
          candidates, there should be some code of conduct
          for governors too.

The governor is not just a person sitting there with a
mathematical calculator.

Once the governor knows that the single largest party has 17
MLAs, and once the governor knows that the ruling party has
been defeated and the electorate has rejected the ruling
party, and once the governor knows that the ruling party at
the Centre also belongs to the BJP, the perception of the
legislators -- Independents and others belonging to the
regional parties -- is that somehow the BJP will always have
an upper hand.

          It is in these circumstances people begin to
          perceive the governor as an agent of the central
          government and then it becomes the Constitutional
          and ethical duty of the governor to call the single
          largest party first.

The governor should know that political loyalties and morals
are flexible and since that is a bitter truth, the one who
gets the call first (to form a government) gets an advantage.

          Knowing that the BJP is in power at the Centre, to
          provide a level playing field, since the BJP is
          already rejected (in Goa), the governor should have
          called the single largest party, whoever it is,
          listened to them and earned their confidence and
          given them a fair chance to form the government.
          But the governor did not do that at all. This is
          what I call the BJP's political mafia raj.

The BJP is playing the same game in Manipur and other states

Somehow they (the BJP legislators) will come first, they will
come like eagles, swoop down upon you and gobble up the
numbers (MLAs).

They will come in a charter flight and gobble you up.

People then feel that the governor is their person and so the
governor should abide by a code of conduct.

In this particular case, the BJP had the numbers (getting
three MLAs each from the MGP and GFP, and two Independents)
but the governor should have still called the single largest
party first; at least (the governor) should have had a
discussion with them first to build confidence and provide
some level playing field.

Q: Would your party MLAs have supported the Congress in
forming the next government, had the governor asked the
Congress to explore the opportunity of forming the next Goa

          I don't know, but had the governor asked the
          Congress first (to form a government) that would
          have given confidence to the newly elected
          legislators and Independent MLAs and probably why
          not we may (have joined the Congress).

          Because that is also a factor weighing on in the
          minds of legislators. They know that the BJP is
          capable of bulldozing all the opponents with the
          help of the governor.

The governor should have created a confidence building
exercise and given the first chance to the Congress. In case
they had failed to muster the numbers, called in the BJP to
do so.

If the ruling party had not been rejected, there would have
been no issue at all.

The governor should be the guardian of democratic tradition.

The governor cannot sit there like an arithmetics teacher with
a calculator in her hand.

How many years do you give this government? Will the Parrikar
government last its full term?

Politically and strategically speaking, they should last up
to 2019 when the next Lok Sabha elections will be due.

But the BJP will not keep quiet.

          Knowing Amit Shah, knowing Parrikar, knowing their
          style of working, they will engineer a split in the
          Congress. Finally, one must understand that the
          Congress MLAs are also hungry for power.

Parrikar told NDTV that he is not that kind of person, but
admitted that Congress MLAs were sending messages to him.

          If he were not that kind of a person, he should not
          have stepped into Goa in the first place to stake a
          claim to chief ministership with just 13 MLAs.

He could possibly do it because the BJP is in power at the

          Can Parrikar answer if the BJP was not in power at
          the Centre, would he be in a position to gobble up
          Independents and MLAs from the MGP and GFP?

          Parrikar that way is a professional liar, but
          people feel he is a Chanakya. You are leveraging
          your money and political muscle...

Are you saying there was inducement of power?

Cabinet berths are fine because the Congress too would have
done the same thing.

          Unless there are other factors involved (in the
          formation of a coalition government), I don't think
          decisions can be taken this fast. I don't have any
          proof of that though.

I was a part of the confabulations that went on when this
decision was taken (by the GFP to support Parrikar) so I
should have known it (if inducements were allegedly made).

Parrikar categorically stated in the NDTV interview that no
money changed hands and the only condition put forth by the
MGP and GFP was he should be the next chief minister...

That was Vijai Sardesai's opinion (that Parrikar should
become Goa's CM), but that cannot be the opinion of the GFP.

Why just blame Vijai as the bad boy!

Prasanna D Zore / Rediff.com


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