'Kongotcars' Whoop It Up In Canada

By Armand Rodrigues

          There was a time when Goan village socials were all
          the rage in Toronto.  Over the years various
          factors have come into play in the dwindling
          interest in this ritual.  One of the few villages
          that has kept the home fires burning is the village
          of Calangute.

John Lobo was the first President at its inception in 1992,
with a term in office running for two years.  Successive
committees have played a pivotal role in ensuring continuity.
Antonio Mascarenhas stands out as being at the helm for a
total of ten years out of the twenty-eight that the
association has been in existence.

Fast-forward to September 8, 2019, and a celebration at the
Europa Convention Centre on the outskirts of Toronto.  Three
hundred and sixty villagers and guests crammed the hall.

Steeped in the religion of their forefathers holy mass
preceded the revelry and was celebrated by the well-known Fr.
Martin Pereira.  Invocations were to St.Alex, the patron
saint of the village.  The Konkanim hymns of 'Conceicao
Saibini' and 'Jesu Mojea Deva' embellished the offerings.

Music was provided by the 'Amigos' band, and a D.J.
supplemented their output.  The acoustics seemed somewhat
overwhelming for the size of the hall.  However, folks of all
sizes and shapes were seen cavorting on the dance floor and
making the most of the nostalgic music.

For some it may have been reminiscent of the days of their
youth when they danced bare-footed on the shores of
Calangute.  The music appealed to a large segment of the
gathering as was evidenced by the congestion on the somewhat
limited dancing space. This may have hampered some from
displaying their best gyrations. And, it may have posed a
problem in selecting the 'Best Couple' on the floor.

Edgar Dias, the President, welcomed all in his opening
speech, introduced his committee, recognized past-Presidents,
and thanked all and sundry for their invaluable help.

          Of particular significance was the commemorative
          plaque presented to centenarian Leonard D'Souza on
          attaining the remarkable age of 102!  Yes, this is
          the Lenny of field-hockey fame who played for the
          Lusitanians and Tatas in Bombay in days of yore.
          Formal cutting of the anniversary cake was a given
          that followed.

Worth noting was the sumptuous sit-down lunch of soup, roast
beef, chicken and all the trimmings among other things, that
all enjoyed.  So also, was the floor-show put on by the
President's wife in the form of a troupe that livened things
up with a Portuguese dance.  And, winners of the numerous
raffle prizes were noticed toting large packages wrapped in
cellophane, of assorted prizes with intriguing contents.  To
their credit, the association published an account summary
for the preceding year in the interest of transparency and
accountability, in its brochure.

When all is said and done, special recognition goes to Milena
Marques who emceed the function with vivacious aplomb in a
full slate replete with activities.

A good time was had by all.

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