'Marriott hotel case has restored people’s faith in the rule of law'

Devika Sequeira devikaseque...@gmail.com
TNN | Jul 5, 2015, 02.59 AM IST

The writ petition in the Marriott hotel case was filed in
1993 and interim relief rejected in 1994. So in effect this
case has gone on for 22 years. How does this reflect on the
process of legal remedy and justice in this country?

Very poorly indeed. If the (NGO) Goa Foundation had known
that it would have taken 22 years to get a judgment in a CRZ
case, it is doubtful we would have approached the high court
at all.

It is not that the Foundation was not on time when filing the
petition. We approached the high court when the Gaspar Dias
beach was still in existence. There was no construction -- a
small plinth had just commenced. Only the entire grove of
casuarina trees had been felled, which is what alerted the
public and caused the citizens of Miramar and Dona Paula to
protest with the captain of ports department.

Even the governor of Goa, in an unprecedented move, protested
the use of the beach for the hotel.

          Today, 22 years later, the high court rules that we
          were right all along.  But now, a monstrous
          construction occupies the once pristine beach and
          it remains to be seen how much of the beach will be
          restored to the public after the extent of illegal
          construction is identified by the town and country
          planning (TCP) department.

So the destruction has happened which could easily have been
prevented had the court either heard and decided the petition
in 1993 itself, or had stayed the construction work until the
court could decide the issue. Under the guise of ensuring
that no injustice was done to the company, the state's
environment was the loser.

Even now the matter is perhaps not finally concluded. If the
Marriot/the Salgaocars appeal the judgment, it may take
another 10 years before the Gaspar Dias beach is restored to
the public, which was the reason why we moved the court in
the first place.

This is among several major hotel projects where the Goa
government played a proactive role in facilitating and
acquiring land for private players (Salgaocars in this case).
Was it a coincidence that some of these were mining entities?

I do not think all hotel projects in Goa are connected with
mining companies though Cidade de Goa and Marriott (earlier
called Palm Hotels) are owned by people who are also into
mining.  But even other cases of hotels violating the CRZ
have always been assured of close collaboration and support
from the Goa government.

          The Goa government has never believed in the CRZ
          notification, which is why, in almost all cases,
          the government's performance in court has been
          extremely pitiable and shabby.  In the case of the
          Aldeia petition (Grand Hyatt) all files in the
          custody of the government disappeared with the
          connivance of the hotel authorities.  Justice R K
          Bhatta already 10 years ago had opined "that the
          corruption in the government was so rampant that
          one had to presume mala fides behind every
          government action".

The apex court has come down quite heavily on government
officials who collude in facilitating illegalities. But
rarely is action taken against such people.

Except for the apex court, high courts rarely take action
against corrupt government officials even when there is
evidence brought before them. We expect the high court to
punish government officers who collude with private parties
against public interest so that a message goes to the
administration that such collusive behaviour in violation of
statutory laws will not be tolerated.

          Even the former chief minister Manohar Parrikar had
          openly stated that if the government had to take
          action against town and country planning department
          officials for corruption, they would have to arrest
          all the town planners.  We do not know what the
          citizens of Goa have done to be punished with an
          entire army of corrupt individuals.  If the
          corruption only led to the redistribution of
          income, we would not object.  But in all such
          cases, the acts of corruption have destroyed the
          natural environment of Goa, something which is
          irreversible and for which our only hope lies in
          the judicial system, which unfortunately also lets
          us down, even when it rules in our favour.

What do you take away from the Marriott case? This is after
all one of the many cases Goa Foundation has taken up against
big-ticket CRZ violations?

The judgment in the Marriott case is restoration of people's
faith in the rule of law. When there are judges of integrity
who go by the rule of law, justice will prevail as in the
Marriott case. We wanted the beach back for the public. This
is what we will get as a result of the judgment even after
the Supreme Court hears us. Of this I am confident, because
this is what exactly happened in the Cidade de Goa case as
well, where the Supreme Court, even at interim stage,
insisted on keeping access to the beach open for the public.

The criticism levelled against environmental action groups
like yours is that you're selective in your targets and are
anti-development. Some have even gone so far as to call you

We do not worry about negative labels because we know that
these labels are used by people who are affected by the
orders passed by the courts. These institutions are
protectors of the Constitution. If they pass orders, after
considering the facts before them, in our favour, then one
has to assume that they are also acting against the national
interest, which is absurd. In the case of CRZ, the entire
state of Goa knows that we have filed cases against every
hotelier who put up resorts in violation of law since 1986.

The Goa CM says he is confident mining will resume by this
September. Is he being overly optimistic? What is the ground

          Forget about ground reality, the international
          price of iron ore is so low that the mining
          companies would be doing charity by taking it out
          of the ground.  If there is anything the mining
          companies have shown us over the last three years
          when they had to shut down is that they are bereft
          of values of compassion, charity or welfare.
          Forget about Goa generally, they forsook even the
          workers, the truck drivers and the barges.

If there were any capacity to do charity, it would have
manifested itself in the last three years.  All these actions
that are being taken today presumably to commence mining
operations are only to deal with enforcement directorate
investigations, income tax notices, complaints from
shareholders, etc, and not because they are interested in
resuming mining in the state.  Sesa Sterlite has discharged
most of its employees through VRS after getting its leases
renewed in January 2015.

Contact the writer: devikaseque...@gmail.com
First published in the Times of India

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