Two decisions on a manic Monday

By choosing to unveil two crucial “decisions” on a single day — the
day the SSC results were also declared — chief minister
ManoharParrikar has demonstrated his penchant for strategy. Strategy
is a politicians way out.  As then leader of the opposition, Mr
Parrikar was very much part of the BBSM that protested against the
Congress decision to give grants to English medium schools. That he
has had to implement the same decision in some measure, now that he is
in a position of responsibility, is what gives the public its distaste
for politics.

 It is another matter that the much awaited “decision” on the medium
of instruction for primary schools, which was expected to be a policy
of sorts, turned out to be a “non-decision”. The onus of a final
“policy” is now before a committee of educationists.  The Diocesan
schools who switched to English last year, have a breather, but for
how long, no one is quite sure. And that is the one question the CM
did not answer clearly. Will the grants to these 127 schools continue
beyond academic year 2012-13? That will be the “decision”  the
committee is left to take. Committees can swing either which way
depending on their composition and a host of political and other
factors. So the final call on the medium of instruction imbroglio has
been deferred yet again. The uncertainty will continue for some more
time, which cannot be a good thing.

That same Monday, interestingly, Mr Parrikar also chose to have an
internal order, not a gazette notification, but an internal order —-
passed on his earlier decision to announce a freeze on RP 2021. The
long and short of the order, is that the new BJP government which had
expressed apprehensions about RP 2021, has in a round about manner
effectively put the RP 2021 into use for the moment, until a new plan
is in place. It effectively means people can construct, but within the
restrictions of RP 2021 and RP 2001. The positive aspects of both
plans will hold for the moment.  This has naturally come as good news
to the Goa Bachao Abhiyan who held that the RP 2021 —- without the
later controversial amendments added on by the state level committee,
of micro industrialzones, eco tourism zones and golf courses —- was a
good plan. It does not really matter which government is in power, if
a plan is good, it must be used. All amendments made that did not
concur with the participatory process that the plan went through
should be scrapped. It is not clear if this will happen under the new
dispensation, and a lot of crucial factors that were put forward in
the planning process have been left vague by the Parrikar government.

What will be the fate of the MIZs and eco tourism zones that had been
objected to? Section 16 and 16 A amendments to the Town and Country
Planning Act, that carried exemptions for government and PPP projects
continues to be in force, creating a gaping loophole. Governments may
argue that it needs some leeway in planning processes to take forward
development. But as the SEZ experiments have proved, citizens are
justified in their need to constantly hold projects, even government
fielded projects,  to scrutiny.

To do so, government must be transparent. Internal orders, that are
vague, peppered with words like “etc” leave too much open to
“negotiation” and throw a cloak of secrecy over government
functioning.  The current order makes it clear that it will apply only
until “further orders” are passed. There is already a subtle closing
up and clamping up of the systems of governance. Surely gazette
notifications are a preferable means of communication. Internal orders
that would translate into far reaching ground level changes must be
accessible to the press and the people. A government that has
proclaimed  “zero-tolerance to corruption” is duty bound to ensure
transparency in all its dealings.

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