Cuncolim was not Goa’s First Rebellion against the Portuguese


It's that time of year again. The anniversary of the Cuncolim
incident of 15 July 1583, with its regular demands to
commemorate the gauncars who were put to death by the Estado
da Índia for lynching five Jesuit missionaries and several
native Christians, provides a great example of the prevailing
amnesia about Goa's past.

          The amnesia is at least partly deliberate, as can
          be seen from how the popular Cuncolim narrative has
          been woven to satisfy all the nationalist tropes
          possible. The Portuguese as relentless oppressors,
          Goa as a Hindu land, religious conversion as forced
          and violent, natives as Hindus alone who were
          united against the foreign Christians, elite Goans
          as martyrs for Hinduism, and no mention of caste or
          land relations at all. All of which makes this
          incident the first 'War of Independence' not only
          in Goa but also India. What better history can any
          nationalist ask for?

Alas! The facts of the incident, as examined by various
scholars, read somewhat differently. For example, although
the nationalists insist that Goa was Hindu before the
Portuguese arrived, many Goans of the time were actually
Muslim, while many others belonged to indigenous communities
with their own unique beliefs and practices. If anything
related to today's Hinduism existed then, it was the belief
system of only some of the dominant non-Muslim castes.

Further, the village of Cuncolim was not united against the
missionaries. For, not only were the elites divided among
themselves, but a Christian villager is reported to have
rescued one of the Portuguese missionaries attacked on that
fateful day (Angela Barreto Xavier, Power, Religion and
Violence in Sixteenth-Century Goa, 2010). Perhaps one of the
clearest proofs of the divisions within the village was the
case of one of those killed, Domingos da Costa: he was a
Brahmin youth from Cuncolim studying at Rachol, who had
accompanied and guided the soldiers who had destroyed the
local temples earlier (Rowena Robinson, Cuncolim: Weaving a
Tale of Resistance, 1997).

          But the biggest casualty in the Cuncolim narrative
          is the complete absence of Bijapur, even though the
          region in which Cuncolim was situated was
          administered by governors appointed by the
          Adilshahi administration of Bijapur, and was
          notable for providing soldiers for the Adilshahi
          army (Xavier, 2010).

Goa of course did not even exist at that time, before the
Portuguese welded it together out of many territories,
kingdoms and chiefdoms, some of which stretched into today's
Konkan and Canara coasts, and also the Deccan. In fact, this
incident of 1583, in which a number of gauncars, who had led
a group of villagers in murdering the Jesuit priests and the
Christians accompanying them, were in turn executed by the
Portuguese administration, took place against a backdrop of
strife between the Portuguese and Bijapur over territories
formerly ruled by the latter.

          That's another reason why the demand that the 1583
          event in Cuncolim be titled as India's first 'war
          of independence' and mentioned so in school
          textbooks, is so ridiculous. It's not just the
          issue of forgetting history by claiming that India
          existed in 1583, when it was really born in 1947.
          It's not just the strange notion that opposition to
          European colonial rule was automatically a fight
          for 'independence'. It's also the very simple fact
          that, if you want to look for the first rebellion
          against the Portuguese, you should obviously look
          towards Bijapur.

Because the Bijapur administration rose against the
Portuguese much before Cuncolim did, and not just once but
many times over an entire century, even succeeded in driving
them out of Goa for a while, and finally lost many hundreds
of lives in this cause.

Afonso de Albuquerque was welcomed by some Goans when he
first conquered Goa in February 1510, but opposed by others.
The latter, led by the Sultan of Bijapur, succeeded in
driving the Portuguese out at the end of May. It was in
November that Albuquerque conquered Goa for the second and
more permanent time. Thousands of soldiers and civilians
perished in the battle and the vengeance that followed.
Shouldn't these soldiers and civilians -- many of whom were
Goans or residents of Goa -- be considered as martyrs for the
cause of so-called 'independence'?

And the Bijapuri rebellions did not stop here. They and the
Portuguese fought numerous battles, small and large, between
1520 and 1583, with some pockets of land -- like the Cabo de
Rama fort -- shifting back and forth between the contending sides.

The Bijapur revolts were of course not a democratically-minded
struggle, but essentially that of a king fighting for his
kingdom. But the 1857 sepoy mutiny in British India -- called
a 'war of independence' by some today -- was also about
kings, queens, and feudal lords fighting to stay in power,
without a single democratic thought in their heads.

          Cuncolim's rebel gauncars were similarly local
          landed elites fighting to preserve their
          traditional lifestyle, including their casteist
          rights and privileges over the village lands and
          community. In fact, the Cuncolim gauncars continued
          to insist on their hereditary pre-Christian and
          caste-based privileges in land and ritual even into
          the 20th century (Robinson, 1997).

It therefore makes little sense today to refer to all these
elite struggles as wars of independence. Many of the most
discriminated castes in Goa and elsewhere in fact saw
religious conversion as a way to improve their lives -- in
other words, for them, it was the Europeans and Christianity
which offered an idea of independence.

Many nationalists will not like to celebrate the Adilshahi
rebellions the way they do Cuncolim, because their idea of
the nation is a Hindu one. But there is no denying that, as a
struggle for the freedom of Goan elites, the Cuncolim one was
certainly not the first. The Adilshahi revolts were bigger,
more expensive in terms of 'martyrs' or lives lost, more
successful, and much earlier.

(First published in O Heraldo, dt: 27 July, 2017)

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