What it takes to aim high for a woman in today's Goa

Strange though it may appear, it is true that dreams do have
their importance.  As far as achieving success in your career
or profession is concerned, dreams provide us the basic
framework along which our career sketch is to be drawn.
Without dreams, life would look like a blank sheet.

One such woman who dreamed a dream is Mily Fernandes. Her
dreams led her to a definite destination -- Mount Carmel
Academy -- a preschool offering international creative
curriculum in Goa for the first time.  She speaks with Remy
Dias about her life and what inspired her to start the

Tell us about yourself?

I am a person who is very open to change but at the same time
who would carry forward her culture, values and traditions.
I was the youngest of three children in the family.  I can
say I was a brilliant student in school.  I completed my
schooling at Saviour of the World High School in Loutolim and
then joined Chowgule College to pursue Science studies.

Joining Chowgule college was a turning point in my life. All
through my schooling days I was an academically inclined
student.  But Chowgule College with all its extra-curricular
activities helped me to develop an all-round personality.  I
became a different 'me'.

I joined NCC (National Cadet Corps) and attended the first
training camp in Fatorda.  This was followed by a series of
camps all over India.  The camps tapped my hidden talents and
polished the already discovered ones.  It was here I realized
that an institute can make or break a life and I decided that
one day I will have a school of my own that will help
children learn through play and become confident individuals
by creating and exploring.

I am grateful to Chowgule College for changing me and
transforming me into a citizen of the world.  Today my
passion for education and commitment to a better society all
stems from what I learnt at Chowgules.  I am thankful to God
for blessing me with the opportunity where I can make a
difference to the lives of others.

          NCC is not just marching, it trains you to face the
          challenges in life.  Cultural awareness is
          increased.  Knowledge about medical and first aid
          is imparted through theory and practical training.
          You learn firing, map reading, self-defence and
          much more all under the guidance of experienced
          officers.  I was amazed at the way I had overcome
          my shyness.  At the National Integration Camp held
          at Pune, I presented a cultural programme with Goan
          NCC Cadets and was awarded a gold medal for the
          best presentation on cultural display.  I was also
          declared as the most talented cadet.  As an NCC
          Cadet I represented Goa in most of the Indian
          states.  Being declared as best infantry girl cadet
          in 1998-1999 was a proud moment in my life.

I began my teaching career as an ICT teacher, later worked as
a regular teacher and then took a break from work to start a
family.  I am defined by my strength of character,
discipline, strength of mind, willingness to strive for
excellence and enthusiastic nature.

What inspired you to start a school of your own?

I always wanted to have a school of my own. After my daughter
was five years old, I joined teacher training institute and
completed my Bachelor in Education.  While job hunting I
realized that there is a need for a quality education in the
early years.  I researched a lot and found that a KG school
offering international creative curriculum will be nice for
toddlers in Goa.  The philosophy of creative curriculum
matched the vision I had for my school.

The curriculum is designed to be developmentally appropriate
and child-centered.  We will teach each child focusing on all
domains of development-cognitive, physical, social and
emotional.  Our main objective is to create a community of
learners through exploration, academics and technology.  We
aim to ensure that our students reach their full potential to
become responsible and contributing members of an
ever-changing global society through quality programs which
develop the skills of lifelong learning in a safe, caring
environment, enhanced by community support.  Since children
develop at different rates and in different ways, the program
is flexible and diverse.  We aim to provide a range of
instructional supports and services to help all students
learn and succeed, including early interventions.

Mount Carmel Academy is committed to Integrity,
Responsibility, Co-operation, Caring, Respect, Optimism,
Honesty, Empathy, Courage and Inclusiveness.  We are
committed to social responsibility and will be organizing
free life skills training programmes for kids from various
government schools in Ponda.  We are also organizing donation
of clothes regularly.  Very soon we intend to start free
vocational training programmes to empower women.

What do you do during your spare time?

          I like a lot of things. Earlier I liked adventure
          sports.  I am one of the few women who have
          successfully climbed the Himalayas at 14,000 ft
          above sea level.  Open crevices, icy-cold gales,
          avalanches and landslides have been part of my
          trekking route to the Himalayas.  The dangers that
          go with trekking always egged me on.  The majesty
          of the Himalayas is to be seen to be believed.
          Nature in all her splendor is wonderful, though
          danger is a part of it and knowing that you are
          pitting yourself against nature is a high.

I am also a member of SENA (State Ex-NCC Association). I like
painting and I am planning to have an exhibition of my
paintings very soon.  I enjoy planning events and compering
at parties.

According to you, what ails our educational system?

I strongly feel that even though we are producing graduates
every year, they are ill equipped for the job market.  We
need to give strong importance to vocational education.
There is a huge gap between the skilled manpower required and
the kind of skilled manpower available.  Through proper
education we need to bridge this gap.  If we want to put Goa
on the global economic map, we need to urgently stress on
vocational education and meet the demands required by our
market.  This will ensure jobs for Goans because the
industries wont need to look out for skilled manpower that
meets their needs.  We also need to encourage research in
education right from primary school itself.  All this
requires a well-knitted infrastructure, which I am sure the
government can provide.

Another thing is we need highly motivated teachers. Many
teachers look at teaching as just a job.  We teachers need to
understand that teaching is a vocation, it is more than a
job.  It's a calling.

In the olden days the teachers were very dedicated even
though there was less money in the profession.  Nowadays
there are too many individuals wanting to become teachers,
not for the love of teaching but because of money or the
number of holidays.  They lack passion and commitment
compared to earlier times.  Our society needs to play an
important role in strengthening the passion of teachers
towards teaching.  Teachers need to understand the importance
of continuous professional development in teaching skills.
We need to introduce a lot of in-service and professional
development programmes.  These will go a long way in
sharpening the teaching skills of teachers in line with the
current environment.  The knowledge acquired from such
training should be applied by teachers in their classrooms
for better student learning outcomes.

And finally schools should acknowledge teachers. A lot of our
teachers work with no recognition neither from head of school
or from colleagues or parents.  It is very demotivating for
teachers and difficult to keep them going on and on with no
positive feedback from any source.  Let teachers know that
they are doing a good job and they will be motivated to do
even better.

Mily Fernandes can be contacted at Mount Carmel Academy,
Villa Fatima, Near Zonal Agricultural Office, Santacruz,
Ponda, Goa.  Email her at or 9823846094

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