Goa's cow politics: How gau rakshaks and NGOs have worked to
starve the state of beef

Vigilantes are halting
consignments of meat and cattle
coming across the border from
Karnataka. As a result, Goa's
only legal abattoir is

PHOTO: Goa's cow politics: How
gau rakshaks and NGOs have
worked to starve the state of
beef Sidhesh Kanodia, Wikimedia
Commons [Licensed under CC
BY-SA 4.0 ]

Pamela D'Mello

Days after beef suppliers and traders in Goa called off a
four-day strike last week to protest harassment by gau
rakshaks and animal welfare groups, consignments of buffalo
meat have started trickling into the state. But with
anti-beef groups getting emboldened in the Bharatiya Janata
Party-ruled state, it is becoming clear that the fight over
beef in Goa could well get uglier.

          The strike was triggered by two incidents. On
          December 25, the police in the state capital of
          Panjim seized 1,300 kg of beef that it deemed had
          been illegally transported into the state.
          According to a news report, phenyl was poured on
          the consignment. On January 6, another 1,500 kg
          consignment of beef was impounded in North Goa.

Meat traders were outraged. "There is a law and order
procedure," said Manna Bepari, president of the Meat Traders
Association of Goa. "If they have a complaint, then it should
be investigated as per law, and the consignment should be
scientifically checked by the FDA [Food and Drugs
Administration] and returned to us if nothing is amiss."

He added: "Instead, NGOs and gau rakshaks come armed with
phenyl and throw it on the meat, destroying it completely,
putting us at a loss of Rs 5 lakhs to Rs 6 lakhs. No case is
booked against them but cases are booked against the drivers
and suppliers. There is a limit to how much loss we can bear
so this time our suppliers themselves stopped supply to Goa."

The daily local demand for beef in Goa, which has a large
meat-eating Christian population, is about to 25 tonnes to 30
tonnes. This demand is now fulfilled mainly by meat
transported from neighbouring Karnataka.

On January 9, the meat traders association said at a press
conference that they would resume business the next day after
being given assurances by police officials that beef
consignments transported from Karnataka would be certified by
Goa officials at the Goa-Karnataka border and accorded police

Local demand

          The slaughter of cows has been banned in Goa since
          1978. When the government set up the state-run
          abattoir, Goa Meat Complex, it passed a law
          designating it as the only legal abattoir where the
          slaughter of buffalos and bullocks is permitted --
          if certain conditions are fulfilled.

Because the state's own cattle population is small, the
70-odd Muslim traders of the Qureshi community who operate
the state's fresh meat business used to transport livestock
from Karnataka to the abattoir, and sell the meat in Goa's
municipal markets. However, this stopped in October after
several cattle were impounded by animal welfare groups.

Credit: HT Photo.
Years of harassment

In recent years, Goa's beef traders have lost scores of
cattle to gau rakshaks, who either release the animals or
impound them in shelters. Hundreds of kilos of beef have been
destroyed with phenyl or burnt, while many transporters have
been arrested.

The sudden strike led to the shortage of beef in local
markets during the peak tourist and festive season, and an
outcry from consumers. During the strike, Chief Minister
Manohar Parrikar steered clear of commenting on the issue.
Instead, he maintained the position he has previously state:
that the legal supply of beef would continue in the state.

Some political analysts say that Parrikar is trying to pull
off a fine balancing act between the impulses of the BJP at
the Centre, which favours a beef ban, and the party's
electoral compulsions in Goa.

Wild allegations

Though beef supplies resumed on January 10, cow protection
groups in the state have made their intentions clear. "We
have no demand for a beef ban," Hanuman Parab, president of
the Govansh Raksha Abhiyan told reporters. "But we want a law
like the law in Maharashtra."

          That essentially is a call for a complete ban.
          Maharashtra, Goa's northern neighbour, banned the
          slaughter of bulls and bullocks in 2015. The
          slaughter of cows had been banned in 1976.

Parab also said that his outfit did not have any faith in the
government machinery and wanted to check the documents of
beef traders themselves. Others at the forefront of the
anti-beef movement in Goa are honorary officers of the Animal
Welfare Board of India, a statutory advisory body on animal
welfare laws. At a press conference on Friday, these honorary
officers denied accusations by beef traders that they were
involved in throwing phenyl on seized consignments of beef.
They hit back at the traders instead, alleging that a beef
mafia functioned in Goa and was involved in cross-border cash
transactions that could be used to fund terrorist activities.

(Photo credit: AFP).

A brief history

The beef-supply crisis has been a long time in the making. A
decade ago, anti-beef campaigners fired from the shoulders of
animal protection non-governmental organisations operating in
Goa to tighten the screws on cattle transportation and beef
supply. Slaughter in local markets slowly stopped after these
groups regularly complained to authorities, leading to
frequent raids. After this success, gau rakshak groups
targeted the Goa Meat Complex. These groups have opposed
mechanisation of the abattoir and have constantly alleged
illegalities there.

In 2013, the High Court was petitioned. The petitioners
alleged that underage animals were being slaughtered in the
abattoir in violation of rules. The complex was forced to
close. The abattoir was upgraded at a cost of Rs 13 crore to
meet the requirements of the law, and reopened in May 2016.
But it struggles to stay in operation. It has the capacity to
handle 300 animals a day but its 56 employees are constantly
idle. In 2012-'13, 15,368 animals were slaughtered at the
complex. This figure plunged to 78 in 2014-'15 before going
up to 497 in 2015-'16, and 4,987 in 2016-'17.

Choking supply

The anti-beef campaign in the coastal state picked up pace
again in September, six months after the BJP returned to
power for the second time. In September and December,
honorary officers of the Animal Welfare Board were involved
in two raids on illegal butchers in villages in South Goa.

In October, honorary officers of the Animal Welfare Board got
a court order on a plea related to the functioning of the Goa
Meat Complex, and impounded animals at the abattoir. Traders
said they lost 11 cattle that month and stopped bringing in
any more. The facility shut down for the want of cattle.
While state officials blame traders for not using the
abattoir, animal husbandry minister Mauvin Godinho has
indicated that the complex will be privatised.

But with gau rakshaks obstructing the transport of animals
for slaughter, it is unlikely that the abattoir will find
private takers. With neighbouring Karnataka on the course of
a toxic electoral campaign for its upcoming elections, with
cow slaughter on the agenda, Goa's beef politics could well
get more intense.

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Goa Beef Ban Beef Supply Cow Vigilantes


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