Goa Forward Fast-Forwards BJP Move to Upend State Verdict as
Parrikar Reclaims Power


Party with three MLAs that campaigned on anti-saffron
platform will now join hands to bring the BJP back to power.

PHOTO: 'Look, they are calling
me back home!' Defence minister
Manohar Parrikar outside
parliament. On Sunday night, he
was appointed chief minister of
Goa for the third time. Credit: PTI

Panaji: A day after the Bharatiya Janata Party was
convincingly shown the door in Goa, the party has managed to
subvert the electoral verdict and return to power again with
the support of the Goa Forward (GF) party, the
Maharashtrawadi Gomantak Party (MGP) and some independents.
Late on Sunday night, according to PTI, Goa governor Mridula
Sinha appointed Manohar Parrikar -- currently defence
minister of India -- as chief minister of the state and gave
him 15 days to prove his majority in the assembly.

          Working overtime to muscle his way to power and
          undo a humiliating result for which he was mostly
          responsible as the chief campaigner and strategist,
          defence minister Manohar Parrikar managed to move
          the last hurdle in his way by capturing the support
          of the ambitious Goa Forward MLA Vijai Sardessai
          and two other members who held the key to
          government formation.

Parrikar is expected to resign as raksha mantri and return to
Goa -- which he once ran for seven years -- as head of the
motley new grouping which could be sworn in as early as
Tuesday. Union Minister Nitin Gadkari, who camped out in Goa
from Saturday night to facilitate negotiations with the MGP
given his good relations with party leader Sudin Dhavlikar,
was among those who went to Raj Bhavan late Sunday to stake a
claim on behalf of the BJP to government formation.

Goa Forward, whose leaders had claimed the Congress would be
their "natural choice" to ally with in government, has
virtually split over the decision. The party's president,
Prabhakar Timble, resigned on Sunday night over the
development. One member told this correspondent that
Sardessai walked off with the other two MLAs, even as
discussions were in progress on the terms being sought from
both the Congress and BJP. The party had several informal
meetings with both national parties through Sunday, they said.

The BJP's decision to lay claim to power and the GF's move to
align with the saffron group has caused disbelief among
voters who feel short-changed after the rejection of the
saffron party in the assembly election.

What rankled most with Goa Forward members too is that the
nascent local party formed only recently drew its sustenance
from its strong anti-BJP stand. Sardessai in fact often
claimed he had been a far stronger single-handed opposition
to the BJP government than the whole of the Congress
legislature wing put together.

          A former Congressman, the 47-year-old politician
          fell out with the Congress, more particularly Goa
          PCC chief Luizinho Faleiro, after being denied a
          party ticket in the 2012 election. That move,
          ironically, helped him win from Fatorda
          constituency for the first time as an independent
          in the last election. But the enmity between the
          two continued and even caused the pre-poll alliance
          between the Congress and GF to fall apart after
          Faleiro's backhand move to field a Congress
          candidate against Sardessai.

Late on Saturday night, it emerged that Parrikar was making a
concerted move to grab power. By Sunday morning, the BJP had
floated the buzz that the party's newly elected MLAs, now
down to a mere 13 to the Congress' 17 in a 40-member House,
were in favour of the defence minister's return to Goa to
take over the reins of power.

Parrikar himself lost no time in making contact with all the
non-Congress MLAs to try and shore up support. With its
numbers as low as 13 -- a loss of 8 seats from its 2012 tally
-- the BJP needs the backing of almost all the rest of the
non-Congress MLAs, which means Goa Forward, MGP, NCP and
independents who collectively hold 10 seats.

Parrikar's intentions were clear soon after the verdict
itself, when he went into a verbal contortion trying to
explain to the media why he felt the mandate was not against
the government but "individual MLAs" -- a rather curious
explanation, given that the outgoing chief minister,
Laxmikant Parsekar was himself trounced in this election.

Though Parrikar said he "accepted the verdict of the people",
he also put out the theory that the fractured mandate and the
BJP's high vote share -- with 32.5%, it polled 4% more than
the Congress -- somehow gave it a right to make a bid for
power by "working something out" with the two local parties
and the independents.

"If the party president (Amit Shah) has said that the BJP is
forming the government in the state, then definitely we are
going to form the government," he told the Times of India.

The Congress was slow getting off the block, and was huddled
over the selection of the CLP leader when news of the
unfolding developments broke. Some party MLAs blamed AICC
general secretary Digvijaya Singh for not taking a quick
decision the night before that would have roped in GF's

On his part, Digivijay Singh lashed out at the BJP for
"hijacking" the popular mandate. "It is absolutely wrong on
the part of the BJP to grab power when the mandate was given
to the Congress by the voters (by virtue of being the single
largest party)," Singh was quoted by PTI as saying.

As the single largest party, the Congress had the "first
right as well as the popular mandate" to form government,
which has been "hijacked" by Parrikar, he said, accusing the
new chief minister of bringing down "the morality of politics
in the country."
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