Goanet highlights by Selma Carvalho

          Valmiki Faleiro takes a fresh look at what brought
          the Portuguese to Goa and the contribution of Goans
          in the Indian Armed forces, in an article titled,
          Portuguese Crosses, Indian swords and Goans.

Recently a Godfrey Pereira wrote an essay titled, A letter to
the Bleddy Goans from an East Indian bugger. Rarely has a
post created such a maelstrom of a response from Goans on
Goanet. While some deplored Godfrey's salty language,
others argued his points are well founded.

The original post by Godfrey Pereira.

A response from Cecil Pinto:

Floriano Lobo:

and from Frederick Noronha's regular column appearing on
the Herald, Goa.

          Another topic which stoked controversy was
          JoeGoaUK, a long-time, regular contributor to
          Goanet, documenting life in Goa through his photo
          essays. In recent times, the issues of anonymity
          and copyright have come into focus. There is the
          question of accountability but is this to be
          balanced against the beneficial services the person
          maybeproviding to the community. Here were some
          views shared.

Selma Carvalho:

Rajesh Dessai:

Frederick Noronha:

Freddy Fernandes writes about the jackpot, ministers in India
have hit, by way of salary hikes.

Pandu Lampiao in his own imitable style writes about Saving
Goa -- is it an useless cause?

          JoeGoaUK ever in the service of the community has
          launched his own One Minute Video News. This week
          he brings us a clip of the family of the young Goan
          priest from the Nuvem parish, who died recently
          after heroically saving three others from drowning.

Anil Desai sent in the original report on the priest.

Cecil Pinto after a brief hiatus takes a humourous look at
why we should celebrate the River Princess.

Nisser Dias looks at the facts and fiction of trial by the
Indian media.

The sausage men of Arpora, is one of the most interesting
articles I've read in a long time. Written by Vivek
Menezes, it talks about two entrepreneurs making the most of
raising pigs in Arpora.

Selma Carvalho writes about the recent visit to London of
Father Delio Mendonca, Director of the Xavier Centre of
Historical Research.

          Eddie Fernandes, owner and editor of GoanVoice UK
          has introduced a new service available to the
          world-wide Goan diaspora. A classifieds section to
          send birthday greetings, announce events or
          anything else you wish.

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