[Editors's note: In the past
few hours, this write-up has
been going viral among Goan
circles in cyberspace. To know
more about the controversy, see

>From the Facebook page of Radharao Gracias, ex-legislator and lawyer
Feedback to graciasradha...@gmail.com
          I am Goan. You find me here, there, everywhere. In
          London or Swindon. In Lisbon or Melbourne. In
          Mississauga or Mississippi. No borders confine me.
          No occupation confounds me. I am called by many names.


I am the Prime Minister of Portugal. I am the son of
celebrated writer Orlando da Costa. The Prime Minister of
India, Narendra Modi, hugged me when I visited India. My name
is Antonio da Costa from Margao, I am Goan!

I have been Member of the House of Commons, UK, since 1987.
My sister Valerie Vaz, and Suela Fernandes too are members of
the 'Mother of Parliaments' My name is Keith Vas. We are Goan!

I was the Commander in Chief of the Indian Army. And with me
the GOC Commanding Southern Command was Lt.General F.T.Dias.
My name: Sunith Rodrigues, from Curtorim. We are Goan!

I was Police Commissioner of Bombay and was known as the
Supercop. And when Punjab was in turmoil, during the
Khalistan movement, I was posted there to restore order. My
name: Julio Ribeiro, from Porvorim. I am Goan!

I am considered as a major figure in contemporary
architecture around the world. I was awarded the Padma Shree
in 1972 and the Royal Gold Medal in 1984 by the Royal
Institute of British Architects. Buildings designed by me dot
the world. My name is Charles Correia, from Porvorim. I am Goan!

I am the CEO of Diageo, the world's largest liquor company. I
am the son of Manuel Menezes, the former chairman of the
Indian Railway Board. My brother Victor Meneses is the former
chairman and CEO of Citibank. My name Ivan Menezes, from
Pomburpa/Divar. I am Goan!

I am the CEO and Vice President of Cognizant. My father,
Placido D’Souza IFS, was High Commissioner to Trinidad,
Hongkong and Kenya. My name, Francisco D'Souza, from Anjuna.
I am Goan!

I am the CEO of Air Asia. I am the majority owner of Queen's
Park Rangers. I figure on the Forbes list of the rich in
Malaysia. I studied at Epsom College and the London School of
Economics. I am the son of Dr.Steven Fernandes. My name: Tony
Fernandes, from Velim. I am Goan!

I have figured in the Forbes list of Indian billionaires. I
am the CEO of Glenmark Pharmaceuticals, founded by my late
father Gracias Saldanha, today one of the largest
pharmaceutical companies in India. When Goan politicians fall
sick, they use our medicines to get cured. My name Glen
Saldanha from Saligao. I am Goan!

My family lived in Karachi and later migrated to Canada. I
resigned from my job and set up a company in the basement of
my house called SOTI. My company is now valued at a billion
dollars. My name Karl Rodrigues, from Curtorim. I am Goan!

I was a student at Grant Medical College, Bombay when I was
crowned Miss World 1966. I completed my medical studies and
now live in Ireland. My name is Reita Faria, from
Mapusa/Tivim. I am Goan!

I came to the USA as a Fulbright Scholar. I am the author of
several New York Times Best Selling Books. I released my film
Obama's America, in 2016, which is the second highest
grossing political documentary styled film produced in the
USA. My name, Dinesh D'Souza, from Assagao. I am Goan!

          I was a journalist, politician and Freedom Fighter.
          I was elected Member of the Kenya Parliament and I
          had two other Goans with me, F.W.D'Souza the Deputy
          Speaker from Cujira and Anthony Joseph Zuzarte from
          Guirim, Vice President of Kenya. And I was
          assassinated. My name is Pio Gama Pinto, from
          Saligao. We are Goan!

I was a physicist, journalist, diplomat and a social
scientist at the Eduardo Mondlane University. I fought for
the freedom of Mozambique. I was the principal adviser to Samora
Machel, the President. I died with him in a plane crash. My
name, Aquino de Braganca, from Mapusa. I am Goan!

I won a bronze medal in tennis 1996 Olympics. I have won
twelve Grand Slam titles in doubles and mixed doubles and
several gold medals at the Asian games. And my father Vece
Paes has won a bronze in hockey playing for India in 1972. My
father is a doctor and so was my grandfather. My name,
Leander Paes, from Assolna. I am Goan!

India failed to qualify in hockey for the Beijing Olympics
2008 but I was there playing for Canada. My name, Kenneth
Pereira. I am Goan! I captained the Mexican hockey team in
1968 Olympics. I was the goalkeeper. My name, Zeno Rodrigues,
from Raia. I am Goan!

I represented New Zealand at the 2016 Olympics in boxing. My
father Dr. John Fernandes was the Director of IPHB (the
Institute of Psychiatry and Human Behaviour), at Altinho,
Goa. My name Siona Fernandes, from Velim. I am Goan!

I am a fashion designer in Bombay. I design clothes for
Narendra Modi the Prime Minister of India. My name, Troy
D'Costa, from Majorda. I am Goan!

          I work at Heathrow Airport. Five hundred years ago
          my community discarded the belief that any group of
          people, could be condemned as untouchables and
          forced to do the 'dirty work' of others. I have
          been brought up by my Church to believe in the
          dignity of labour. Here at the airport there are
          people from Asia, Europe, Africa, all doing all
          types of work. We believe work is worship. You may
          call me by any name. I am Goan!

Pray, tell me who is this Pratapsingh Raoji Rane? Does he not
know people migrate when governments fail to deliver? Does he
not know there are millions of descendants of Indian
indentured labourers derisively called coolies living in
Fiji, Guyana, Trinidad, South Africa and elsewhere? What is
his contribution to alleviating the unemployment problem?


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