"In the name of the market, people and their interests have
been betrayed"

Released by: Social Welfare Action through Democratic
Empowerment of Society (SWADES) C/o St.  Britto High School
Mapusa 403 507, Goa.
Email: swades....@gmail.com Contact: 09421289724

The elections are on us and we, as concerned citizens, are
witnessing multiple kinds of violence -- cultural, communal,
caste violence, state terror and other socio-economic forms
of violence.  Largely the victims of violence have been from
the marginalized communities.

The vicious politics of divisive forces have been attempting
to create further polarization contrary to the principles
enshrined in the Constitution.  The attacks on the basic
tenets of the constitution -- secularism, socialism and
democracy -- have placed the nation in jeopardy.  Secularism
is intrinsic to our democracy and any effort to disturb the
secular fabric of this country will shatter the democracy,
amounting to desecration of the Constitution.

          The future of the country looks uncertain with
          scams and scandals by the ruling parties with no
          concern for the poor and the marginalized
          communities.  Authoritarianism of the state has led
          to a declining space for dissent leading to
          silencing the voices for change.  The corporate
          interests have been responsible for the misuse of
          natural and human resources.  This has led to the
          exploitation of the country.  In the name of the
          market, people and their interest have been betrayed.

Strengthening the democracy and safeguarding the basic rights
guaranteed by our constitution entails that every sincere
citizen must play an active role in this election. In order
to put in place the citizen-centric democratic governance,
the people's participation at all levels of governance from
planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation is of
vital importance. Keeping with this commitment, preparing a
people's manifesto and presenting to the candidates instead
of getting fooled by the ritualistic documents of the
political parties based on falsehood, is the first step
before exercising the right to franchise.

Concerned by the increasing marginalisation, impoverishment,
suffering, anxiety and anguish we, the members of the Social
Welfare Action through Democratic Empowerment of Society
(SWADES) with our collaborators and other organisations have
come together to present an agenda for governance. Every
election is an occasion for citizens to contribute to the
re-making of India. In this context, we make the following
proposals with a desire that pressure be exercised on
political parties to assure the people that the following
national concerns are implemented.


1. Protect and preserve life and security: Guarantee life
with dignity, freedom from fear of violence, and peaceful

Promote friendly relationship with neighbouring countries,
bring down defence budget and promote national security by
mutual dialogue.

Take immediate and effective measures to prevent starvation
deaths, farmers and traditional workers and artisans
committing suicide, deaths of malnourished children and women
particularly in rural areas.

Implement effectively the just enacted Food Security Act in
order to weed out corruption, red-tapeism and delay tactics
etc.  Make the Public Distribution System (PDS) a transparent
and well-functioning system to provide food security to the
weaker sections of society.

Make the Annapurna, Antyodaya, old age and widow pension
schemes more effective and operational.

Protect food sovereignty through comprehensive
farmer/landless peasants/agricultural workers centric
agrarian reforms.

2. Promote peace and harmony, guaranteeing human rights

Protect common persons from arbitrary arrest and illegal
detention and being subjected to torture and inhuman

Abolish capital punishment.

Remove the legal impunity that police and other agencies now

Repeal The Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act and all
draconian laws like POTA, NSA, COFEPOSA, COCA etc.

Stop using anti-terror laws against the poor, the
minorities, service-minded NGOs, people's
movements, organizations and human rights movements.

Ensure right to free expression, association,
assembly and democratic dissent.

Promote high moral/secular values that could elevate the
minds and aspirations of the citizens from self-centeredness
and dehumanizing acts like molestation, eve teasing and rape
against women, child abuse and child labour against children.

Follow diligently the latest judgment of the Honourable
Supreme Court with regard to the elected members in order to
free India from criminalization of politics, which measure
could ensure true Democracy!

Promote peace and harmony across the multi-ethnic, multi
religious, multi-cultural communities based on justice.

3. Guarantee basic necessities and rights of all

Ensure effective and timely implementation of RTE Act,
Panchayati Raj Act, PESA Act, FRA and empower the
marginalized who are mostly used as 'vote banks'.  Establish
and support a mechanism to assess quality of education.

Let the national curriculum framework be the normative
curriculum for all categories of schools.  Schools, which do
not conform to it, be derecognized.  Monitor quality
provision as strictly in government-run schools as in private

A commitment to manage an educational system that offers
quality and universal education to all irrespective of their
status or wealth, from the primary to the university.

Ensure quality and affordable health to all with
special focus on rural areas, women and children.

Revitalize the largely non-functioning Primary Health
Centres. Establish good hospitals in the rural areas to
provide health care at affordable cost. Bring out Health
Insurance schemes for the marginalized people.

Give priority to promote indigenous and alternative
health care system and provide financial and institutional
support for research in this area.

As most of our diseases are water-borne, ensure safe
drinking water throughout the year in every parts of the

Housing is a human right. Mere eviction of slum
dwellers is not the answer but provide low cost housing to
all close to their work place. Give low interest loans to
people to enable them to have their own homes!

National security expenditures and defence budget to
be brought lower than that of education and health care.

4. Provide work and expand livelihood opportunities

Make employment a fundamental right and provide the
beneficiaries of MNREGA 200 days of work.

Abolish the contract form of employment giving people
regular employment and implement a fair minimum wage.

Enact national Minimum Wages Act, ensuring that the daily
wage worker gets a minimum living wage of Rs.  300 a day.

Promote rural development and stop developing only towns and
cities.  Ensure the proper implementation of similar schemes
for the urban poor.

          The country's tax system must be amended to ensure
          that the wealthy are taxed in proportion to their
          wealth.  The accumulation of wealth should be
          moderated by a fair and equitable tax system.

Measures have to be taken to check inflation immediately.
Hoarders and black-marketers have to be dealt with sternly.
A mechanism has to be set to monitor the onslaught of
inflation on the common person.

5. Protect and promote Dalits, Adivasis and Indigenous People

Enact a comprehensive National Dalit Policy and National
Tribal Policy to ensure the identity, culture and human
rights of these marginalized communities.

Allot enough grants for the development of the marginalized,
especially for the children, women, Dalits, Adivasis and the

Ensure proper implementation of Special Component Plan (SCP)
for the Dalits and Tribal Sub Plan (TSP) for the Adivasis and
do not divert these grants for any other purposes!

Stop development-induced displacement and expand the Fifth
Schedule to cover all the adivasis.

Ensure the participation and partnership of indigenous
communities in the developmental process and make them owners
of the land, water, forest and mineral resources.

Ensure complete, time-bound and enforced eradication and
abolition of manual scavenging and provide alternative

Provide homestead land to dalits and adivsis and ensure a
minimum of 3 acres of cultivable land to all.

Ensure Adivasi access to forest and Non Timber Forest
Products (NTFP) and traditional communities’ access to common
property resources.

Rights of the traditional fisher-folk as mentioned in Coastal
Regulation Zone 1991 should not be amended or diluted.

Scrap Coastal Management Zone and promote the welfare of the
traditional fisher-folk.

6.  Advance and strengthen gender justice

Take immediate steps to accord minimum 33% reservation to
women in assemblies and parliament.  Ensure the effective
implementation of 50% reservations to women in Panchayati Raj
Institutions.  Ensure proportionate representation of dalits,
tribals and OBCs in the same.

Enforce equal wages for equal work for both women and men.

Ensure stringent and prompt action to punish those found
guilty of sexual harassment in the work places.

Enact a comprehensive Act that safeguards the rights, dignity
and interest of the Domestic Workers who are very vulnerable
to various types of exploitations!

Take urgent measures to prevent the trafficking of women and

Enact strong legislations to check female foeticide and

Promote economic empowerment of rural poor women.

7.  Ensure freedom of religion and minority rights

Enact Communal Violence (Prohibition) Act to end all forms of
communal violence.  Take effective measures to deal with
organizations involved in communal violence.

Accord Scheduled Caste status to Christians and Muslims of
Dalit origin.  Eliminate discrimination based on religion and
repeal Para 3 of 1950 Presidential Order.  Make public and
implement the Ranganath Mishra Commission Report.

Quick and adequate compensation be made to Sikh victims of
1984; Bhopal gas tragedy of 1984; Gujarat victims of 2002;
Kandhamal victims of 2008.

Implement the major recommendations of the Sachar Commission
Report on Muslims and ensure and promote education of Muslim

Repeal all anti-conversion laws and ban all the re-conversion
gatherings such as “ghar vapasi”

          Any attempt to offend religious sentiments, respect
          for the other or to distort the history and
          cultural diversity of India in the minds of young
          in educational system should be stopped.

8.  Promote transparency in governance, accountability and
People's participation

Strengthen the office of Comptroller and Auditor General:
Conduct periodic social audit of the various government
departments and private companies, as a public-private

Stop watering down the present RTI Act. Ensure that all
citizens of this country are accountable to this Act.
Promote transparency and accountability in governance both in
the private and public sector.

Initiate and strengthen Lokpal, Lokayukta and form
independent vigilant bodies at every governing structure to
stop corruption and ascertain transparency.  Anybody found
guilty of corrupt practices must be penalised.

Enact an effective Anti-corruption Act immediately that could
put an end to many ailments of Democracy.

Speed up the judicial reforms to reach justice to the poor.
Appoint the vacant posts of Judge and clean up the system of

Enact laws for the return of black money in foreign banks and
other financial institutions and to prevent all those
responsible for this practice from all public office.  Those
who violate monetary law need to be appropriately punished.

9.  Preserve environment and promote sustainable development

Prevent commercialisation of natural and mineral resources.
Frame and implement poor friendly and eco-just policy with
regard to the governance of natural and mineral resources.
Let no development project be sanctioned at the cost of
environmental damage.

Regulate the mining activities and relate these with the
development of local communities.  Fill in the pits caused by
the opencast mining.  Follow the “polluter pays” principle so
that rightful compensation would be paid to the communities.
Make the corporates liable for the pollution they cause.

Promote sustainable development through regeneration of
natural resources by mobilization, promotion of non
conventional energy and judicious use of natural resources
especially water, forest and land.

Strictly implement the environment protection laws as they
apply to industrial effluents and disposal of hazardous

CRZ violations should be taken seriously and so also the
pollution of water bodies by hotels, spilling of oil in the
sea causing damage to the marine life and pollution through
garbage dumped by casinos in the rivers.

All the best, dear voter! Your vote is very precious!


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