Frederick Noronha

One-third of this book is impossible for me to understand, it
comes from perhaps 400 kilometres away, and was written
almost forty years back.  So, why should one be bothered at
all with it?

Contrary to what it might seem to be, this partly
Kannada-script book is rather relevant to Goa too.  It comes
hard-covered, bound with what looks like old sari cloth in a
manner which suggests lack of resources. This is nonetheless
a book indeed worth taking a look at.

'Konkany Riddles -- Konknni Huminnyom', by CCA Pai SJ, was
published in 1981.  I too would have missed noticing it, if a
friend (Leroy) had not known of my bias for collecting old,
Goa-related books, and had generously gifted it to me.

          Published in Bengaluru, printed in Hubli and
          written by a Mangalorean Jesuit priest, the book
          reminds us of how close (if forgotten) our links
          with our neighbours can be.

          Alan Machado Prabhu, the Mangalorean-origin and
          Bengaluru-based author of another book, makes an
          interesting point.  He has often pointed out that
          Goans talk repeatedly about their diasporas (or
          emigrant populations), but even more often forget
          about their "oldest, largest and among the
          earliest" diasporas.

Which one?  Those who left Goa and went to Mangalore (now
also Mangaluru), and other areas on the South Indian
coast.  They did so for a range of complex reasons --
possibly including food insecurity, regional conflict and
wars, and the skills they could use elsewhere, even though
Portuguese religious intolerance is often blamed for this.

Today, both Goans and Mangaloreans mostly don't acknowledge
their connections with each other.  They highlight the fact
that their shared language is now often incomprehensible to
one another.  In migration-oriented centres, like Mumbai,
where both communities have flocked to, they seem to be in
rivalry with one another.  Yet, the age-old connections
nonetheless remain.

That's where this book turns relevant.  It's a serious and
a lengthy study of Konkani riddles.  The author credits his
"boyhood friends" and "own relatives living in rural parts of
South Kanara district" for this significant collection of

This study spans 406 plus 340 pages, in two separate parts.
Of its two parts, the first offers an introduction to
"Konkany" (the preferred spelling of the language's name
here), and the "historico-geographic situation" of the
Mangalorean Christian community.

          It might be worth pointing out briefly that the
          Mangaloreans mostly trace their roots to Goa, and
          after migrating, had a tough and hoary history.
          This included the "captivity" of a large part of
          that community by Tipu Sultan.  They were taken
          some distance away, to his capital of
          Srirangapattana, and kept imprisoned for years.
          Obviously, this has strongly shaped the community,
          its determination to survive, and the tenacity with
          which it clings to identity and language.

The second part of the book looks at the Konkani riddles of
the Mangalore Catholics, others from Goa, yet more in the
Konkani variant of Kerala too.  Finally, the book ends with a
listing of various definitions of riddles.  Fr Pai credits
R.V.  Pandit and Shohsma Pandit for the collection of the
riddles from Goa.

Given Konkani's rich traditions as a language of the soil,
the field and agricultural communities, the riddles of this
lingo can sometimes be puzzling.  Take this one: "Yeka dudiak
bara xiro, xire kannkanni tis biyo".  You're probably
thinking of a pumpkin which has twelve pods, and each of
which had 30 seeds.  The actual answer?  A year, which has 12
months and 30 days (roughly) in each!

But then, you asked for it!  By definition (page 337, part
II), a riddle refers to a puzzling question or “ambiguous
proposition” which is meant to be solved by conjecture.
Another of the many definitions tell us a “true riddle or the
riddle in the strict sense compares an object to another
entirely different object”.

Interestingly, the text of the book, which came before Goa’s
Official Language Act (1987), is partly written in three
scripts – Kannada, Devanagari, and Romi.  For a
geographically-divided linguistic group, this could have
widened its readership.  If, that is, it had been more widely
noticed in Goa, and we ourselves here were more serious about

Pai does an interesting job of understanding riddles from
across the globe.  For the Mangaloreans, riddles played the
function “of passing time in a pleasant manner” (page 241,
part I).  And “it was mainly the children and the younger
people who indulged in riddling”.  Children took to riddles
while helping with the household work, such as guarding over
the coconut kernels put out to dry in September and December.

Riddles are connected with the human person.  The human
shadow is the subject of a “bunch of riddles” (page 249).
Human kinship is the subject of others.  The names of persons
were also subject to riddles.  The nobler parts of the human
body – above the neck, such as the ears, eyes, eye lashes,
forehead, tongue, teeth – are often subject to riddles too.
There are also riddles related to generalities.

But then, riddles go on to deal with accoutrements (clothing
and ornaments), food, kitchen equipment.  Take, for example:
“Our old woman keeps laughing, but never speaks” – a boiling
rice pot.  Or, “My granny goes into the sun and grumbles” –
toddy.  The list goes on.

There is an interesting discussion on the delayed reach of
the printing press to Mangaluru (unlike Goa), and the rivalry
between the Basel Mission Press, once believed to be one of
the best in the country, and the Codiyalbail Press that came
about later.

After this elaborate setting, the meat of the book comes
about, in the form of the actual riddles.

Some brief examples: ‘Aplem ang apnaak disana (dollo)’ [You
can’t see your own body (eye)].  ‘Apaddlear asa, palleunk
gelear na (kaan) [If you touch it, it’s there; if you see it,
it isn’t (ear)].  ‘Amcho kupa fatar fendd vonkta (sabu)’
[Clouds that vomit froth (soap)].  ‘Voddlear ulo marta,
soddlear nidta (ghantt)’ [If you pull it, it talks; if you
leave it, it falls asleep) (a bell).  And so on…

Given in three scripts, this is a book worth reading.
Unfortunately, or fortunately, there’s too much content to
discuss here.  So that would have not been a plot-spoiler; if
only the book was available.  Today, and here.  Another good
reason to pick up a regional book when you can, instead of
repenting a generation later.

First published in The Navhind Times

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