Suggestions for A Smart City, from Goa IT Professionals

Goa IT Professionals

The Goa IT Professionals, a group of young Goan professionals
working in the infotech sector, came up with some suggestions
what could help the state-capital of Panjim to become a
'smart city'. See They say their
suggestions are based on the principles of greater emphasis
on public transport as against personal vehicles; imposing
penalties only after implementing fundamental infrastructure;
tackling problems at their source; and the application of
technology. See more about the group at

Concrete, feasible suggestions centered around:

* Transport
* City planning
* Waste Management
* Sanitation
* Energy
* E­Governance


The preferred approach to decongest the city should be to
focus of public transport rather than road­widening or
multi­level parking.

Allocate buses with two doors, one at the front and one at
the rear. Let there be a strict protocol of getting in from
the rear and getting of from front door. This allows the
driver to be aware that passengers are getting off and
eliminates the need for the conductor to keep a watch on
whether somebody needs to get off. The conductor can focus on
collecting the bus fare.

Right from the beginning, introduce bus passes which are
monthly and weekly. This eliminates the hassle of maintaining

Allow city entry for personal vehicles with odd registration
number on Mon, Wed, Friday and even number on Tue, Thu,
Saturday. If vehicle owners want exception to this rule,
provide a tag to be fixed on the windshield at a price of Rs
1000 per year.

          Areas that get released by the military should be
          used for setting up mini­bus stands. These are
          close to the market and should enable citizens to
          do their weekend shopping without their personal

Opening times of certain institutions should be staggered so
that inflow of people into and out of the city is spread
through the day. Instead of having a 9am-6pm working hours
for all offices, allow some departments to work 10am-7pm and
8am to 5pm.

Conduct training for private and public bus operators on
basic manners so that passengers are not heckled due to rude
comments. With reduction in traffic, there should be no need
to blow horns. Honking in the city should be made a
punishable offence. Apart from a monetary penalty, the
offender should be made to perform community service for one
full day.

Fines should be imposed on vehicles that are found to emit
excessive smoke. The PUC is just a certificate. The actual
emission is what matters to keep the air clean. The city is
small enough to be covered by bicycle. Even if creating
dedicated cycle tracks is difficult, the use of this mode can
be encouraged by creating bicycle parking stands, where
people can lock their bicycles.


The city should have boards in such a way that someone
unfamiliar with the city can locate any place based solely on
the address without having to ask questions and without a

Road contracts should be awarded only with international
standards. Strict guarantees should be defined. These cannot
be one or two years but at least 20 years. Such roads do
exist in India and have been used with heavy traffic since
the British times. Application of road engineering and
scientific methods makes this possible.

Contracts should include the plotting of a median at the
center of the road as well as drains at the side of the road.

Departments need to coordinate so that no road is dug
multiple times. All pipes and cables should be laid only
during road­repair.

The roads should be safe even for pregnant women, people
suffering from spondylitis and senior citizens. No
speed­breaker should be installed in the city. Instead,
traffic cops should be deployed to issue fines for speeding
and to confiscate driving licenses of offenders.

          Like in any civilised society, markets should be
          made a lot less noisy. If vendors are made to write
          the price of goods on a blackboard or a whiteboard,
          there will be no need to shout out the prices for


          As is done in some cities of the country, vendors
          should be penalized for giving away plastic bags.
          Today every shopkeeper pulls out a plastic bag even
          if it is not asked for. Garment/ grocery/ shoe
          stores should be made to charge an extra Rs 10 is
          the customer needs a bag. It will be a 'smart' move
          to reduce the garbage problem before trying to
          solve it.

Covered garbage bins allow for orderly collection of garbage
and provides a place for people to drop waste rather than
dropping along the road. At any location in the city, a
garbage bin should be found within 50m radius. The concept of
a bin-free city has been tried in Nagpur and failed
miserably. Garbage bins are a proven way to organise waste

In the presence of garbage bins, if somebody is found
littering the streets, a penalty of Rs 1000 should be imposed
and the offender should be made to work at a garbage
treatment plant for five days. A Recyclable Waste collection
center should be setup on the first Sunday of each month in
each ward of the city. These could include packaging boxes,
milk packets, e-waste, etc. Citizens should be awarded Smart
Points based on the waste deposited. These points should be
allowed to be used for obtaining passes for stage shows,
movies, etc. similar to credit card points.


Odourless public toilets have been operational in advanced
countries for decades. There is no reason why these cannot be
set up in Goa. Paid public toilets should be installed at
several places. The toilets should have contactless taps and
contact­less soap dispensing machines.

People found defecating or urinating in the open should be
fined and also made to work at a Sewage Treatment Plant.


The City Corporation should waive off 10% tax on residential
and commercial establishment that deploy solar panels. Street
lights should be powered by solar as well as electrical
energy. These should turn off or on based on luminosity.
If a street­light fails to light up at night, the system
should be alerted automatically so that it can be replaced
the next day.


Electricity and water bills, should be payable by an
auto­debit facility which debits the savings account or a
credit card account automatically on the due date. Such
facilities are offered by banks such as HDFC. The utility
companies need to register with these banks as billers.

There should be a single user ID that can be used across
government websites, rather than having citizens create one
login per website. This is known as single­sign­on (SSO).
People with Google/Facebook/Yahoo login IDs should also be
able to login without registering explicitly.

Any E­governance project should be implemented such that the
same can be extended to other parts of the state. Procedures
that are applicable to Panaji are also applicable to any
other city and hence the projects once developed for Panaji
should be deployed for all other cities eventually.

A common ticketing tool could be implemented for all
government work in all offices like Mamlatdar, Collectorate,
Panchayats, PWD, Electricity, etc. Doing this could enable
single window system. A fixed process flow could be decided
that will help the public and save them the hassles of going
pillar to post. Public could check the status of their
Service request online or on their phone. This will ensure
better accountability and transparency.

Efforts should be initiated to create a paperless environment
for all government work. Doing so will save a lot of trees.
Identity proofs like DL, PAN Card, Ration Card could be
referenced online instead of attaching physical carbon
copies (plus the overhead of attesting the same by the

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