The Viva Goa Impressions

Roland Francis <>
It was a good day, with mild, sunny weather, considering this summer has
had more sporadic rains and chilly (not cold) temps than usual.

The execution of the event was flawless. That speaks well of the
organizers, their experience, the untiring dedication of the volunteers
(and there were many) and the countless factors that mesh to make an event
as large as this, a success.

The crowd seemed less numerous than previous years but that only benefitted
the available space and gave people a better chance to meet and greet
instead of just managing to exchange cursory hellos when jostling by.
Parking was well arranged and washrooms were clean.

There were good programs on stage and several bands and soloists played
music popular with the crowds. Food was offered in concrete pavilions and
snacks, in the stalls put up on the ground. The Chourico-Pao from a single
vendor is usually the favourite, well filled with meat in a Portuguese
bakery bun.

Other than offering a giant picnic for the Goan community of Toronto (and
surrounding areas) and a chance to interact with other Goans some of whom
you rarely get to meet, this is not an outstanding event. Beyond the hype,
it is what it is, a decent summer community gathering.

Goans rarely patronize small business commercial sponsors who spend time
and money making it to such invitations. I think most businesses have
realized this a long time ago and hence the organizers have had to lure new
stall-holders every year. This year even the big guns like the banks have
kept off. Perhaps an indication of recent lower profits and expense-cutting.

The exception is customers for the food stalls. Goans seem to like their
food seriously and caterers who have been around the Goan function circuit,
find it profitable to come.

In the end, though on an individual level, Viva Goa would probably get six
on a scale of ten, the objectives of the organizers are met i.e. a) get the
community together and b) put some money in the association kitty.

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