If I have the following golang code
package sdk
type Person struct { }
func (p *Person) GetName() (string, error) {
    return "", errors.New("...")

When I package it as xcframwork, its header file will probably look like 
*@interface* SdkPerson : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {}
// .......
- (NSString* *_Nonnull*)getName:(NSError* *_Nullable** *_Nullable*)error;

Then when I call this method in swift I will have to write
*var* error: NSError? = *nil*
*let name = person.getName(&error)*
*if let error = error {*
*    throw error*

But if we can modify the return value of string to Nullable
`- (NSString* *_Nullable*)getName:(NSError* *_Nullable** *_Nullable*)error;`

Then it will be much easier to write swift code
let name = try person.getName()
We will write three less lines of code

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