I don't know how you can live without Generics but you can't live without 
Lambda expression. No Go Authors will not listen to anyone. 
If I could(because of the project I am working on) I would never use a 
language like Go and would never look back. There are much better choices 
out there.

On Wednesday, February 5, 2014 at 1:10:35 PM UTC-5, Felix wrote:
> Go as a language made a choice to leave certain things out, because
> there is other ways to solve them, I live without generics and am happy,
> no while loop no problem and etc.
> But am hoping that the entire Go community + Go team + who ever it may 
> concern
> that we all accept that we need a lambda syntax,
> -----------
> (input parameters) => expression
> -----------
> (x, y) => x == y
> -----------
> () => SomeMethod()
> -----------
> this will really help with things like
> implementing linq like in go check 
> https://github.com/ahmetalpbalkan/go-linq 
> ( 
> https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topicsearchin/golang-nuts/lambda%7Csort:date%7Cspell:true/golang-nuts/L-kxltsynh0
> )
> Am looking at the lambda expression from C# 
> http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb397687.aspx
> this will make functional things nice in Go
> implementing a map over a slice like 
> arr := []int{2, 3, 4}
> map(x => x * 2, arr)
> simpler that
> map(func(x int){ x * 2}, arr)
> So please Command Pike don't tell me no :-)

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