
I have difficulty counting bytes that were processed by csv.Reader because 
it reads from internally created bufio.Reader. If I pass some counting 
reader to csv.NewReader it will show not the actual number bytes 
"processed" by csv.Reader to receive the output I get calling 
csv.Reader.Read method, but the number of bytes copied to bufio.Reader's 
buffer internally (some bytes may be read during next csv.Reader.Read call 
from the buffer).

Is there a way I can deal with this issue by not forking encoding/csv 

To give you more high-level picture - I want to split remote csv file to 
chunks. Each chunk should be standalone csv file - starting from actual 
beginning of the line, ending with newline byte. So I'm trying to do the 
following - split file size by the number of chunks, and for each chunk - 
skip first bytes up to newline symbol and read to offset+chunkSize+[number 
of bytes to the next newline symbol]

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