Dear all,

I have some questions concerning the implementation details of the garbage 
collector regarding slices and arrays.
I'm implementing bit slices. The current approach is to use the following 
type BitSlice {
  data []uint64
  len int
Given that the slices length and capacity are fairly useless to me (doing 
my own bounds checks on bit resolution anyway), I am considering two kinds 
of space optimizations using "unsafe". Unfortunately I don't know enough 
about how the garbage collector is implemented to judge if these 
optimizations are safe or not.

Option 1: Use the length or capacity to store the length of the bit slice. 
This is easy to do, but I worry about how the garbage collector interacts 
with len and cap.
Question 1.1: Do I have to expect problems if I set the capacity to a 
larger value than the underlying array size or a negative value.
Question 1.2: Is len used for anything but bounds checks? I assume no, so I 
could use that any way I want, as long as i don't perform an access that 
triggers a bounds check.

Option 2: It may actually be easiest to use an array pointer instead. Like 
type BitSlice {
  data *[1<<((^uint(0))>>8)]uint64
  len int
  cap int
In this case I would simply allocate using make([]uint64, desiredLength) 
and store a pointer to the underlying array in the data field.
Question 2.1: Assuming I take care of bounds checks myself. Do I have to 
expect problems when I am storing a pointer to an array as a pointer to a 
larger array?
Question 2.2: using an unsafe.Pointer as data field would trigger 
conservative garbage collection, correct?

If anyone has any insights or smart ideas, I am all ears. Especially some 
opinions about option two would be appreciated, since I am favoring that at 
the moment.

Best regards,

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