
I'm trying to create an gtk.Image from a Go image.Image (or similar, 
image.RGBA would be fine too), and am stuck. It looks like I need to create 
a gdk.Pixbuf to feed to the GTK image widget, but I can't figure out how to 
use the gdk.Pixbuf, to create a useful picture.

All the examples of how to make a gtk.Image that I found use the 
gtk.NewImageFromFile(path), so although I could save the image.Image to 
disk and then read it back, I'd obviously prefer not to.

Any examples, code samples or hints very welcome! Thanks!

Packages in question:
Pixbuf: github.com/mattn/go-gtk/gdkpixbuf
GTK: github.com/mattn/go-gtk/gtk

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