OK, after initializing k to an actual value, I see what's happening:
k = "" prior to the loop
m = {"foo": 314, "bar": 42} prior to the loop
loop, round 1
k gets set to "foo"
m[""] gets set to 314 -- AND by chance, the map iterator is going to visit
this new map entry later (round 3).
m["foo"] ge
OK but based on Jesse's explanation, I expect the map to contain keys "bar"
and "". But in fact, in the playground at least, we get "foo" and "bar",
with the values reversed:
map[foo:314 bar:42]
I can't think of a valid explanation for that behavior.
On Thu, Jul 7, 2016 at 4:44 PM wr
I don't think there are any. Because you can do it doesn't mean you
should. It's incredibly confusing for readers (hence the confusion in this
On Thursday, July 7, 2016 at 8:52:06 AM UTC-7, Kyle Stanly wrote:
> So, what would be the appropriate use-cases for this; I.E, using a map
So, what would be the appropriate use-cases for this; I.E, using a map
index expression as the value?
On Thursday, July 7, 2016 at 10:05:42 AM UTC-4, Kyle Stanly wrote:
> I noticed that the specification states:
> "As with an assignment, if present the operands on the left must be
> addressa