Hi all,

I'm pleased to announce SFTPGo 2.5.0!

SFTPGo is a fully featured and highly configurable SFTP, FTP/S, HTTP/S and 
WebDAV server that supports several storage backends: local filesystem, S3 
(compatible) Object Storage, Google Cloud Storage, Azure Blob Storage, 
other SFTP servers.

Main new features:

- IP lists moved to the data provider: you can now manage allow and block 
lists from the WebAdmin UI.
- Added role support. Role admins can only view and manage users with their 
- Audit logs added to the WebAdmin UI: you can search and export logs for 
uploads, downloads and other users activities.
- Several additions and improvements to the EventManager.

Full release notes:


You can find features and documentation on the project page:


Binary releases for Linux, macOS and Windows are available:


Docker images are available:


Please note that I no longer provide free step-by-step support. 
I'm trying to keep SFTPGo fully open source, but the project needs to 
become financially viable.
In addition to GitHub sponsorships and Paypal donations, you can now also 
purchase support plans from the SFTPGo website


If I don't get enough funds to continue development as a fully open source 
project, I will evaluate the open core model where some features won't be 
available to everyone.

Yours sincerely,

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