Hi. i have func like func AAA(ctx context.Context, req interface{}) error {}
inside func i need to return some value not via error, but in context
(as i only one way do do that)
I'm write something like code below. I can't transfer code inside
error, because it predefined struct (generated from protobuf) and i
cant use grpc Outcoming context and grpc as this is not grpc
server/client code.
What the best way? And the next question - does it possible to clone
context with all deadlines and internal stuff without creating some
struct that satisfies context and uses in as parentheses?

type rspCodeKey struct{}
type rspCodeVal struct {
  code int

func SetRspCode(ctx context.Context, code int) {
  if rsp, ok := ctx.Value(rspCodeKey{}).(*rspCodeVal); ok {
    rsp.code = code

func GetRspCode(ctx context.Context) int {
  var code int
  if rsp, ok := ctx.Value(rspCodeKey{}).(*rspCodeVal); ok {
    code = rsp.code
  return code

Vasiliy Tolstov,
e-mail: v.tols...@selfip.ru

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