Hi! I have service  name it apigw that acts as api gateway. Tha acts as
gateway for rest (json) and grpc micro services.
I want to able to register some microserver service handler to specific
path (for rest json case).
But microservice expects to get protobuf message to it handler. So api gw
must marshal incoming request from json to protobuf message.
Api gw is dedicated service and don't know any protobuf types from other
services. I think that if underlying service can send to api gw own struct
for specific handler, and api gw can reconstruct this struct from it
description to go struct pointer. But as i see gob expects to unmarshal to
specific  already created value.
protobuf have any.Any type that can have TypeUrl. Docs says that this can
be remote endpoint that for get request can return binary serialized
message for this type.
Looks that if i'm transfer serialized protobuf message of needed type with
all fields as zero, protobuf must reconstruct proto.Message from it. But
cos says that this is not publically available. So my questions: why this
is not available and how to deal with my use-case ?

Vasiliy Tolstov,
e-mail: v.tols...@selfip.ru

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