Since he was the initial author of this thread you're replying to, it does
seem reasonable enough to also raise the question here. :)
On Wednesday, June 14, 2017 at 7:25:08 AM UTC-7, Lutz Horn wrote:
> Hi,
> Am 14.06.2017 15:57 schrieb seamus via golang-nuts:
> > Yes referring to https://gi
Am 14.06.2017 15:57 schrieb seamus via golang-nuts:
Yes referring to
You would be Chris Trenkamp.
Then you will probably get better answers if you open an issue on this
GitHub project. The people here on go-nuts did not write this library
Yes referring to
YANG is a data modelling language, that may use XML to represent the data
stored in a model. Valid relationship between nodes can be expresses as XPATH
expressions. These XPATH expression sometimes use current(), for example:
I've been doing some work on goxpath to use it to evaluate xpath
expressions used in YANG. One issue I just hit is the XSLT current()
function is used in the YANG files, this fails to evaluate as
current() isn't included in the implementation. Did you consider it at
all ?
* Are you talking
I've been doing some work on goxpath to use it to evaluate xpath expressions
used in YANG. One issue I just hit is the XSLT current() function is used in
the YANG files, this fails to evaluate as current() isn't included in the
implementation. Did you consider it at all ?
You received this
I've never used xmlpath, so I can't really compare them.
However, I can talk about some of the design goals:
- Provide a flexible-enough API so you can write your own functions in
XPath expressions.
- Abstract the tree to an interface so that not only can XML documents
be parsed, bu
Please note that the xmlpath package actually lives at:
On Mon, Jun 13, 2016 at 3:27 AM, Henrik Johansson
> How does it compare to
> I have been using it with great satisfaction but it is not complete to my
> knowledge
How does it compare to
I have been using it with great satisfaction but it is not complete to my
knowledge xpath feature wise.
mån 13 juni 2016 kl 01:48 skrev Chris Trenkamp :
> I've created an XPath 1.0 parser