Hello Thomas, 

This is an excellent observation! Grateful for bringing this apparent 
discrepancy to our attention. The page you refer to might well have to be 
brought in tune with the others. Why do I mention the other pages? Because 
all other Java-related pages and tutorials on cloud.google.com, for 
instance the collection of tutorials linked to on the "Building an App on 
App Engine" documentation page 
<https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/standard/java/building-app/>, and 
I stress "all", indicate mvn appengine:deploy as the proper command to 
deploy a Java app. This cannot be a simple coincidence. 

Why do you prefer to use gcloud in spite of the general consensus in favor 
of Maven? Would this meet a special need of yours? Maven offers other 
advantages, beside ease of app deployment. 

mvn appengine:deploy

mvn appengine:deploy

gcloud app browse

gcloud app browse

gcloud app browse

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  • [google-appengine... 'Kenworth (Google Cloud Platform)' via Google App Engine
    • [google-appe... Thomas Becker
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              • ... Thomas Becker
                • ... Brian de Alwis
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                • ... ABR Arun
                • ... Attila-Mihaly Balazs
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