i too am facing a similar problem, was thinking of a design similar to
yours. anyone have any comments on Chris' design?

On Nov 5, 5:35 pm, Chris <cskjoldb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi All
> I'm looking for some input onDb.Modeldesign for the following
> scenario:
> 1) A User can send a message which will to anywhere between 1 to 5000
> receipients with 200-2000 receipients being by far the the most
> common.
> 2) Each recipient is expected to receive between 1 and 50 messages a
> day.
> 3) When a receipent has read a message it needs to be flagged as read.
> For the distribtion of messages to receipients I took inspiration from
> thishttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AgaL6NGpkB8
> (About 16 minutes into the video) he suggests amodellike this:
> class Message(db.Model):
>   sender=db.StringProperty()
>   body=db.TextProperty()
> class MessageIndex(db.Model):
>   recipient =db.StringListProperty()
> with Message and MessageIndex being in the same entity group. In short
> the benefit to this design is supposedly that I can do a key only
> query on
> the MessageIndex for a particular user. From the MessageIndex keys
> returned for the recepient I can extract the actual Message entity
> keys and fetch those directly by key.
> That's all well and good...but then I get to 3)...recipients needing
> to flag messages as read. For that I'm contemplating something like
> this:
> class MessageReadIndex(db.Model):
>   recipient=db.StringProperty()
>   month=db.IntegerProperty()
>   messagesRead =db.StringListProperty(indexed=False)
> When a recipient asks for a list of messages it will be sorted by
> date, newest messages first, and paged (think gmail).
> In the same page request I can query the MessageReadIndex for the user
> and month(s) in question. From here I can loop through each message in
> memory and
> check to see if it has already been read.
> When the recipient clicks a message to read it I can also retrieve the
> MessageReadIndex entity and append the Message Id to the messagesRead
> property and put() the entity.
> This last bit is what has be a bit worried. It will be quite a few
> writes from every recipient every day...again think gmail ;-) Not
> indexing the messagesRead
> property should help minimize the number of index entries that need
> updating ...but still. Am I being overly paranoid and prematurely
> optimizing at an unreasonably
> level? Does anybody have any better ideas as for how to handle this?
> Thanks in advance for your CPU time!
> /Chris


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