Glad to hear I'm not the only one disappointed with it all. I started using 
App Engine when it was in beta, and launched a one-person business when it 
went GA. It's so overwhelming attempting to port my product to the new 
environments that it's much more than a one-person effort. And with all the 
land mines and missing functionality I decided to just close the business 
last year. They seem to be more interested in serving big enterprises, and 
us little guys are just left behind. :-(

On Saturday, March 14, 2020 at 7:22:15 AM UTC-5, Kaan Soral wrote:
> I'll whine a lot, but there's a concentrated and crisp TL;DR in the end
> I've been using App Engine I guess for 10 years now? It's hard for me too, 
> but also, I'm preparing to open source my current project, at each step I 
> question everything, I was going to open source my game so young 
> developers/kids/gamers could dive into networked game development easier 
> (It's an MMORPG on Google Cloud, my dream was that open sourcing it could 
> enable fast experimentation with the genre), but as it is, at the current 
> state of App Engine, the bottleneck is definitely all the diversified and 
> separated products, separate emulators (missing ones), separate environment 
> variables for everything etc. - I can't imagine a happy scenario where one 
> could just develop an App Engine app locally without spending weeks trying 
> to understand what's what first - Back in the day, I think the Launcher GUI 
> and the simplicity of it all, got us all hooked (This is coming from a CLI 
> user)
> Things used to be as simple as *"python2.7 /sdk/ 
> --storage_path=/storage/ --blobstore_path=/blobstore/ 
> --datastore_path=/storage/db.rdbms --host= --port=8080 /path 
> --require_indexes"* - We could test *EVERYTHING* locally, now we can 
> almost test nothing locally
> It seems that the python2.7 that's currently in the process of being 
> deprecated was the last of it's kind
> Instead of refactoring everything for Python 3, I decided to move onto 
> NodeJS instead, the work done, the documentation, the depth of it all, on 
> the surface, is very exciting, until you dive in
> First of all, at each step, you're faced with initially arbitrary 
> decisions that's going to eliminate you, flexible or standard? - does it 
> really matter, I don't think so, firestore in datastore mode or firestore? 
> oh my god, it's like each option is designed to torture and drive away a 
> potential user
> As a long time App Engine / Datastore user, I've simplified my data design 
> to a singular dimension and simple get/set by key operations wherever 
> possible, so for me the limitations of the new datastore really doesn't 
> matter much, I just wanted to use the new Firestore and all the new 
> exciting stuff that came with it, experiment with it, see how it can 
> improve my approach, I've always designed products that regularly pinged 
> the server for new data, so the realtime features etc. appealed to me a lot 
> - so I'd choose the unlocked Firestore, instead of the irreversibly locked 
> one, at least that decision was easy, but the not so easy part was to find 
> out how I'm going to emulate it locally, authenticate it locally, use it 
> locally
> Honestly, it's been months since I've been entertaining idea, whenever I 
> can find some free time, I re-dive back into it, but still, I achieved 
> nothing, yesterday I finally discovered "gcloud beta emulators firestore 
> start" - but the new "environment variable" based approach etc. is making 
> me want to cry, so I gave up again (the examples/docs are from "firebase", 
> the authentication/flow is from "firebase", there are no simple examples to 
> just use and authenticate "firestore" locally) - When I'm configuring a 
> product, I either want to configure it in-code, or configure it in .yaml 
> files, with the new approach, even app id's are set through environment 
> variable's ...
> Just before writing this, I wondered if I'm being unjust, and wondered 
> whether I should just pick an arbitrary service, experiment with it using 
> NodeJS, so I picked Taskqueues, or "Cloud Tasks" as they are now called, 
> once again, it's a seemingly well documented and seemingly a well designed 
> product, but no matter what I did, I just couldn't find how I'm going to 
> test it locally, as it turns out, it can't be tested/emulated locally? 
> bummer. (Related: 
> )
> *TL;DR/Conclusion:*
> I believe we need a practical, all in one and turnkey local emulation 
> solution again - There's a vast/overflowing/overwhelming amount of new 
> options and no easy way to test them - I think the best way to learn about 
> something is to use it
> *Suggestion/Takeaway:*
> I think local development is no longer feasible or possible, so it seems 
> like a better idea to just deploy and test live, I don't know whether it's 
> the intended way now, but it's seemingly the only way. In the past we 
> assumingly all had a local development version of our products, I assume we 
> now should start with live development versions of our products. So when 
> I'm ready to try again, I'll experiment with it all live. (It's sad that 
> likely this option is only possible for paying customers, I don't know 
> whether the products have safe free tiers now, I assume not)
> I also wonder whether I'm the only one who feels this way, are there any 
> success stories out there, happy new App Engine users?

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