I am having major issues getting my app to deploy.

I have been working with django-norel test app and the all buttons
pressed app.  I managed to deploy an app the other day, but I couldnt
create a superuser via

manage.py remote createsuperuser since I kept getting a 400 bad
request not authorised to acess ~sMYAPPNAME data

I tried creating another app with a different appid and I cant event
deploy the app to that.

I have the googleappengine code at /usr/local/googleappengine and it
release: "1.5.0"
timestamp: 1301428458
api_versions: ['1']

I have the app.yaml configured to the remote api handler

application: APPNAME
version: 1
runtime: python
api_version: 1

- remote_api: on

- warmup

The APPNAME has been changed in my config to match my app.

Where am I going wrong?

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