Hey Nick!

How are these devoted efforts coming along? I just started a brand new GAE 
project with a simple Node application. Deployment takes 8-10 mins, the 
major part of which is still spent waiting for "Updating service". I'm not 
particularly impressed.


Den torsdag 6 april 2017 kl. 01:28:11 UTC+2 skrev Nick (Cloud Platform 
> We're devoting a lot of energy to decreasing GCLB configuration push 
> times, so rest assured that our efforts in that direction should pay off 
> going forward.
> Cheers,
> Nick
> Cloud Platform Community Support
> On Tuesday, March 21, 2017 at 6:41:52 PM UTC-4, Stanislas Marion wrote:
>> Great, thank you so much for your help, I'll be very interested in the 
>> details you'll get from your investigation.
>> On Tue, Mar 21, 2017 at 9:22 PM 'Nick (Cloud Platform Support)' via 
>> Google App Engine <google-a...@googlegroups.com <javascript:>> wrote:
>>> Hey Stanislas,
>>> The exact explanation speculated on in my last post shouldn't be taken 
>>> as any description of what's necessarily going on, however it was an 
>>> estimate of what might be happening based on the logs observed. I'm 
>>> corresponding with experts in this area to get a more clear answer at the 
>>> moment. 
>>> You could look into deploying on Container Engine 
>>> <https://cloud.google.com/container-engine/>, which would mean that the 
>>> front-end management done by the App Engine Flexible Environment 
>>> infrastructure wouldn't be happening, rather it would be the responsibility 
>>> of the resources you deploy on Container Engine (a managed service based 
>>> pretty transparently on Kubernetes <https://kubernetes.io/>). Surely 
>>> deploying new container images to your pool of instances in a cluster (or 
>>> multiple clusters) would be quite fast, since the master sitting in front 
>>> of your clusters and the nodes in the cluster are not as massively 
>>> distributed as the App Engine Flexible Environment serving infrastructure, 
>>> hence updating their routing rules would be relatively fast. This is 
>>> something to look into and experiment with if you don't want to wait on the 
>>> more detailed word from experts, but don't rush to that if you're not all 
>>> that curious.
>>> I'll get back to this thread with more details when they're forthcoming 
>>> in our investigation.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Nick
>>> Cloud Platform Community Support 
>>> On Tuesday, March 21, 2017 at 3:50:34 PM UTC-4, Stanislas Marion wrote:
>>>> Hi Nick,
>>>> Thanks a lot for the lengthy explanation. 
>>>> In this light, is there anything I can do to speed things up? Like for 
>>>> instance take care of the load-balancer myself? Indeed I don't see a 
>>>> reason 
>>>> why it should need to be changed. Could I do this with GAE or would I have 
>>>> to move to G Container/Compute E?
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> On Tue, Mar 21, 2017 at 8:42 PM 'Nick (Cloud Platform Support)' via 
>>>> Google App Engine <google-a...@googlegroups.com <javascript:>> wrote:
>>>>> Hey Stanislas,
>>>>> My initial hunch was that the issue was the deployment of other 
>>>>> resources necessary to support the containers running. My analysis of 
>>>>> deployment-related logs appears to confirm this:
>>>>> I created a simple NodeJS app using your dockerfile and default.yaml. 
>>>>> I then pushed the docker image to gcr.io and ran "gcloud app deploy 
>>>>> --image-url ..."
>>>>> After about 1 minute of waiting, all resources associated with the 
>>>>> deployment had apparently completed, but the command had not returned yet:
>>>>> ```
>>>>> $ gcloud deployment-manager resources list --deployment 
>>>>> aef-default-20170321t185300
>>>>> NAME                               TYPE                               
>>>>>       STATE      ERRORS  INTENT
>>>>> aef-default-20170321t185300-00     
>>>>> compute.beta.regionInstanceGroupManager  COMPLETED  []
>>>>> aef-default-20170321t185300-00ahs  compute.v1.httpsHealthCheck         
>>>>>      COMPLETED  []
>>>>> aef-default-20170321t185300-00it   compute.v1.instanceTemplate         
>>>>>      COMPLETED  []
>>>>> aef-default-20170321t185300-bs     compute.v1.backendService           
>>>>>      COMPLETED  []
>>>>> aef-default-20170321t185300-hcfw   compute.v1.firewall                 
>>>>>      COMPLETED  []
>>>>> aef-default-20170321t185300-hcs    compute.v1.httpsHealthCheck         
>>>>>      COMPLETED  []
>>>>> ```
>>>>> At around the same time that the last of the above completed, I see 
>>>>> the following in the Console logs when selecting the "Deployment" logs 
>>>>> source:
>>>>> ```
>>>>> {
>>>>>  protoPayload: {…}
>>>>>  insertId: "54B422B11D921.AE9070D.A80D9821"
>>>>>  resource: {
>>>>>   type: "deployment"
>>>>>   labels: {
>>>>>    project_id: "<PROJECTID>"
>>>>>    name: "<PROJECTID>-gclb"
>>>>>   }
>>>>>  }
>>>>>  timestamp: "2017-03-21T18:54:05.999Z"
>>>>>  severity: "ERROR"
>>>>>  logName: "projects/<PROJECTID>/logs/cloudaudit.googleapis.com
>>>>> %2Factivity"
>>>>> }
>>>>> ```
>>>>> I haven't expanded the protoPayload, but it shows that this was an 
>>>>> attempt to delete the deployment "<PROJECTID>-gclb" if it exists. It's 
>>>>> near-immediately followed by a log representing an update on the 
>>>>> deployment 
>>>>> "<PROJECTID>-gclb" with createPolicy: "CREATE_OR_ACQUIRE". I believe it's 
>>>>> reasonable to assume gclb stands for "Google Cloud Load Balancer", but I 
>>>>> could be wrong here.
>>>>> About six minutes later, the deployment command finally completed. At 
>>>>> about the same time, the following shows up in the logs:
>>>>> ```
>>>>> 18:59:35.632
>>>>> {"@type":"type.googleapis.com/google.cloud.audit.AuditLog","status":{"code":404,"message":"The
>>>>> object 'projects/<PROJECTID>/global/deployments/<PROJECTID>-gclb' is not 
>>>>> found."},"authenticationInfo":{"principalEmail":"
>>>>> num...@cloudservices.gserviceaccount.com <javascript:>
>>>>> "},"requestMetadata":{"calle...
>>>>>  {
>>>>>  protoPayload: {…}
>>>>>  insertId: "54B423EB72139.A6A3558.C2071C50"
>>>>>  resource: {
>>>>>   type: "deployment"
>>>>>   labels: {
>>>>>    name: "<PROJECTID>-gclb"
>>>>>    project_id: "<PROJECTID>"
>>>>>   }
>>>>>  }
>>>>>  timestamp: "2017-03-21T18:59:35.632Z"
>>>>>  severity: "ERROR"
>>>>>  logName: "projects/<PROJECTID>/logs/cloudaudit.googleapis.com
>>>>> %2Factivity"
>>>>> }
>>>>> ```
>>>>> This represents the deployment infrastructure checking whether the 
>>>>> deployment "<PROJECTID>-gclb" has been created yet, whether the create 
>>>>> operation scheduled above has finished yet. However, after another 25 
>>>>> seconds, approximately, we see the following:
>>>>> ```
>>>>> 19:00:00.122
>>>>> {"@type":"type.googleapis.com/google.cloud.audit.AuditLog
>>>>> ","authenticationInfo":{"principalEmail":"
>>>>> num...@cloudservices.gserviceaccount.com 
>>>>> <javascript:>"},"requestMetadata":{"callerIp":"","callerSuppliedUserAgent":"App
>>>>> Engine Flex Google-API-Java-Client 
>>>>> Google-HTTP-Java-Client/1.22.0-SNAPSHOT 
>>>>> (...
>>>>>  {
>>>>>  protoPayload: {
>>>>>   @type: "type.googleapis.com/google.cloud.audit.AuditLog"    
>>>>>   authenticationInfo: {
>>>>>    principalEmail: "num...@cloudservices.gserviceaccount.com 
>>>>> <javascript:>"     
>>>>>   }
>>>>>   requestMetadata: {
>>>>>    callerIp: ""     
>>>>>    callerSuppliedUserAgent: "App Engine Flex Google-API-Java-Client 
>>>>> Google-HTTP-Java-Client/1.22.0-SNAPSHOT (gzip)"     
>>>>>   }
>>>>>   serviceName: "deploymentmanager.googleapis.com"    
>>>>>   methodName: "v2.deploymentmanager.deployments.update"    
>>>>>   resourceName: "projects/<PROJECTID>/global/deployments/aef-gclb"    
>>>>>  }
>>>>>  insertId: "54B42402DA050.AE94741.97003020"   
>>>>>  resource: {
>>>>>   type: "deployment"    
>>>>>   labels: {
>>>>>    name: "aef-gclb"     
>>>>>    project_id: "<PROJECTID>"     
>>>>>   }
>>>>>  }
>>>>>  timestamp: "2017-03-21T19:00:00.122Z"   
>>>>>  severity: "NOTICE"   
>>>>>  logName: 
>>>>> "projects/<PROJECTID>/logs/cloudaudit.googleapis.com%2Factivity" 
>>>>>  operation: {
>>>>>   id: "operation-1490122775787-54b423eb8f5f9-5492ae56-bcfc4ec6"    
>>>>>   producer: "deploymentmanager.googleapis.com"    
>>>>>   last: true    
>>>>>  }
>>>>> }
>>>>> ```
>>>>> Notice "type: deployment" and "last: true". This appears to signal the 
>>>>> completion of a deployment "aef-gclb" at around the same time that the 
>>>>> command line returned news that the deployment was ready to serve.
>>>>> This all seems to point to the fact that there are some resources 
>>>>> which need to be deployed before the app can serve, quite apart from 
>>>>> fetching the container image from gcr.io. It appears that creating a 
>>>>> load balancer / updating its rules is an important part of this which 
>>>>> naturally will take a long time since a whole array of distributed 
>>>>> machines 
>>>>> in the routing infrastructure will need to sign off that they contain the 
>>>>> new rules before the user can be confident the deployment has completed.
>>>>> I hope this helps clarify things for you. As we continue to improve 
>>>>> the infrastructure, doubtless times involved in these steps will 
>>>>> decrease. 
>>>>> We definitely analyze the data related to deployments and all kinds of 
>>>>> other operations to determine how to streamline our systems. If you ever 
>>>>> notice something in future that needs explanation, feel free to post in 
>>>>> this group to inquire.
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Nick
>>>>> Cloud Platform Community Support
>>>>> On Tuesday, March 21, 2017 at 6:00:11 AM UTC-4, Stanislas Marion wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Nick,
>>>>>> My app is based in us-central.
>>>>>> My app is a very simple nodejs app, that runs an expressjs server. It 
>>>>>> starts in a few seconds (at most) with the command "node app.js --config 
>>>>>> config.json"
>>>>>> I'm attaching my Dockerfile and default.yaml.
>>>>>> Keep in mind that I deploy using the "gcloud app deploy default.yaml 
>>>>>> --image-url gcr.io/my-project/default"
>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>> On Mon, Mar 20, 2017 at 9:27 PM 'Nick (Cloud Platform Support)' via 
>>>>>> Google App Engine <google-a...@googlegroups.com <javascript:>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Ah, apologies for sending that last message too quick - I'll also 
>>>>>>> need to know roughly the details of your application's contents. How 
>>>>>>> long 
>>>>>>> does it take your code to start up (you can check this by running the 
>>>>>>> container on your own machine, assuming it has stats comparable to the 
>>>>>>> deployment machine specs). Along with this information, could you share 
>>>>>>> your Dockerfile contents with me in response to the email I've just 
>>>>>>> sent 
>>>>>>> you from esup...@google.com <javascript:>?
>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>> Nick
>>>>>>> Cloud Platform Community Support
>>>>>>> On Saturday, March 18, 2017 at 12:03:46 PM UTC-4, Stanislas Marion 
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Nick,
>>>>>>>> I have tweaked my build so that all the image building is done 
>>>>>>>> outside of GAE.
>>>>>>>> After I have pushed my docker image to Google (using gcloud docker 
>>>>>>>> -- push gcr.io/...) which takes very little time, it seems like 
>>>>>>>> the "Updating service" step takes forever (7-8min) whereas all that is 
>>>>>>>> needed is a simple variant of 'docker run new_image' > `migrate 
>>>>>>>> traffic to 
>>>>>>>> new_image'. Why does that last 7-8 minutes ??? Is there any way to 
>>>>>>>> speed it 
>>>>>>>> up? It is very painful when developing.
>>>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>>>> On Monday, October 3, 2016 at 10:39:50 PM UTC+2, Nick (Cloud 
>>>>>>>> Platform Support) wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hey Kevin,
>>>>>>>>> The speed of deployment can be changed by limiting the size of the 
>>>>>>>>> uploaded app, limiting the complexity of the build necessary in the 
>>>>>>>>> Dockerfile, if present, and by ensuring a fast and reliable internet 
>>>>>>>>> connection. Other than these variables, it's hard to comment on what 
>>>>>>>>> specifically might be making deployment exhibit the timing that it 
>>>>>>>>> does on 
>>>>>>>>> your system. 
>>>>>>>>> I hope this is helpful - let me know if you have any further 
>>>>>>>>> questions! I'll be happy to help!
>>>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>>>> Nick
>>>>>>>>> Cloud Platform Community Suppor
>>>>>>>>> On Thursday, September 29, 2016 at 3:48:26 PM UTC-4, Kevin Lau 
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Is there a faster way to deploy an app? Google App Engine is slow 
>>>>>>>>>> to deploy, hangs on "Updating service [someproject]..." I am using a 
>>>>>>>>>> flexible environment with PHP.
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