I just realized this: the new issue tracker 
(https://issuetracker.google.com/) requires login to see any of the issues 
(so there are no longer any "public" issues per-se) and its robots.txt 
disallows any crawling. While I appreciate the sentiment behind this (from 
what I understand the issue tracker contains all the internal Google issues 
and also issues from Google partners and thus there is a strong case to be 
made for "secure by default"), I think this is a big blow for Google 
Appengine / Google Cloud.

Let me explain: when I have an issue, my first reaction is to search on 
Google. These searches led me more times than I can count to the previous 
issue trackers pages (on code.google.com) which offered workarounds and 
replies from Google staff. I could also star the issues which had the 
double function of me being notified when there were updates / fixes and 
also as a signal that could be used for prioritizing (ie. it makes sense to 
first work on the issues with the most stars / comments).

All of this is gone with the tracker being inaccessible to crawlers. What I 
predict will happen due to this move:

- using the Google Cloud just became more frustrating since you won't find 
solutions by searching Google (technically you *could* also search the 
issue tracker - if you remember to do so)

- some sites like StackOverflow will partially fill the void but it will be 
a less-than-adequate solution: the Google Cloud offerings move very fast, 
so any information on SO will quickly become outdated. It also doesn't have 
the "signaling" component (ie. Google can't use it to judge on which issues 
to work first) and it also doesn't help the users affected by the issue to 
find out when it was fixed. Loose / Loose.

- finally, it will result in a lot of duplicate issues on the issue tracker 
itself since rather than Google pointing you to the existing issue and you 
starring / commenting on it, people will just file new issues.

What should be done immediately: for select groups of issues (ie. those 
related to services available publicly) issues should be public, accessible 
without login and also efforts should be made to make them crawleable by 
search-engines (such as rendering them without JS, publishing URLs in a 
sitemap, etc).


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