
I'd like to suggest the following DictProperty implementation. It
allows keys and values of all the types accepted by the ListProperty.
The DictProperty is searchable, but doesn't allow yet to search for
keys only or values only.

Please let me know what do you think and if you see ways to improve

from google.appengine.ext import db

class DictProperty(db.Property):
  """A property that stores a dict of things. """

  def __init__(self, verbose_name=None, default=None, **kwds):
    """Construct ListProperty.

      item_type: Type for the list items; must be one of the allowed
      verbose_name: Optional verbose name.
      default: Optional default value; if omitted, an empty list is
      **kwds: Optional additional keyword arguments, passed to base

    Note that the only permissible value for 'required' is True.
    if 'required' in kwds and kwds['required'] is not True:
      raise ValueError('Dict values must be required')
    if default is None:
      default = {}
    super(DictProperty, self).__init__(verbose_name,
  def validate(self, value):
    """Validate dict.

      A valid value.

      BadValueError if property is not a dict whose items are
instances of
      the allowed types.
    value = super(DictProperty, self).validate(value)
    if value is not None:
      if not isinstance(value, dict):
        raise BadValueError('Property %s must be a dict' % self.name)

      value = self.validate_dict_contents(value)
    return value

  def validate_dict_contents(self, value):
    """Validates that all items in the list are of supported type.

      The validated list.

      BadValueError if the list has items are not instances of the
      supported type.
    for k in value:
      if not isinstance(k, db._ALLOWED_PROPERTY_TYPES):
        raise BadValueError('Keys in the %s dict must be of allowed
type' % self.name)
      if not isinstance(value[k], db._ALLOWED_PROPERTY_TYPES):
        raise BadValueError('Items in the %s dict must be of an
allowed type' % self.name)
    return value

  def empty(self, value):
    """Is dict property empty.

    {} is not an empty value.

      True if value is None, else false.
    return value is None

  data_type = dict

  def default_value(self):
    """Default value for dict.

    Because the property supplied to 'default' is a static value,
    that value must be shallow copied to prevent all fields with
    default values from sharing the same instance.

      Copy of the default value.
    return dict(super(DictProperty, self).default_value())

  def get_value_for_datastore(self, model_instance):
    """Get value from property to send to datastore.

      validated list appropriate to save in the datastore.
    value = self.validate(super(DictProperty,
    result = []
    for k in value:
    return result

  def make_value_from_datastore(self, value):
    if value is None:
      return None
    result = {}
    for i in xrange(0, len(value), 2):
      result[value[i]] = value[i+1]
    return result

Basically, I'd be interested to figure out ways to:

1. be able to perform searches by key or by value (even if this
implies prefixing the searched value with a keyword)

I have also posted the code to the issue tracker:
http://code.google.com/p/googleappengine/issues/detail?id=1106 so if
you find it useful and correct please vote it there.


.w( the_mindstorm )p.
  Alexandru Popescu

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