It's nice that Google has provided a way to create a single-user, standard 
Google Apps account for the purpose of mapping a custom domain to App 
Engine (hopefully this is a stopgap because it's still a major pain to set 
this up just for the domain mapping - see (and star!) Issue 
8528<>for my 
suggested API to eliminate this step entirely).

However, it appears as though customers cannot direct link to this form. 
They must start from within the App Engine console (presumably HTTP_REFERER 
is used or something). Of course, our customers do not have access to our 
App Engine console, so they need to direct link to the form. Try it now to 
see the redirection in action:

So, our customers can no longer map their domain to our application. This 
is a major problem for us.

Can this redirection be removed?

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