It might be because it's a Saturday morning and I'm not thinking very
clearly, but I can't really seem to find a good solution to this
problem, or specifically one that might work well on GAE.

The scenario is this (bear with me, it might sound a bit silly, but
within the context of my application it makes sense):

Say we have users. And we have products. And say users can rate
products, so each product has a score.

So far, so good. But now, say users can be members of groups. N
groups. And say for each group I want to track the group's score for a
given product.

So then when a user scores a product, asides from the overall score, n
scores need to be updated - n being the number of groups the user is a
part of.

So, I want to be able to answer queries like - what are the highest
rated products among all users? Among moms? Among my friends?

At first blush, the naive (?) way would be for each product to have
multiple scores, one for each group, and when a user scores a product,
to update the scores for the groups it belongs too.

But that could be an awful lot of writes (bad). Or could batch writes
come to the rescue here? Looking at the docs it's not clear if batch
writes actually minimise the cost of multiple writes versus multiple
put() calls. Is there any way to accomodate a scenario like this with
a minimum, and constant, number of writes, so that no matter how
popular the app gets and how many groups a user is a member of, the
cost of scoring a product scales in an OK way?

Thanks for any input, apologies again if there's an obvious answer
here.. :)
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