Last Wednesday, the App Engine team hosted the latest session of its
bimonthly IRC office hours. A transcript of the session and a summary
of the topics covered is provided below. The next session will take
place on Wednesday, August 19th from 9:00-10:00 a.m. PDT in the
#appengine channel on

- The maximum size for a given request is 10 megabytes, as documented
This means that you can post up to 10 megabytes of file and/or other
request data without error, but keep in mind that a datastore entity
can contain at most 1 megabyte, which is also the cap for data input
to image service functions. [7:03-7:07, 7:33-7:35]

- The task queue insertion quota is currently 10,000 per day, although
you can complete a quota request if you need more, and we will
consider granting you additional insertion quota --
Be sure to provide a justification by indicating how you're using task
queues. [7:08, 7:12, 7:13, 7:15]

- Proposal: Add a new __index__ property to entities -- then queries
could return the entity referenced by the contents of the __index__
property rather than the entity itself. This is similar to keys-only
queries except without the need to call .parent() or decode related
entity key info from the returned key. [7:17-7:18, 7:20-7:21,

- Regarding geospatial queries, we'd love to have "built-in" support
for geohashing. It's not a high priority at present, but there are
third-party libraries written on top of App Engine that can do this.
One such library was detailed in our most recent community update -- [7:27, 7:28]

- Grails and many other Java frameworks and JVM-compatible languages/
environments are compatible with App Engine. See
for a full list. [7:35]

- Q: In a system where jobs are queued and assigned to multiple agents
running concurrently, is it best to use memcache or App Engine's
datastore? A: Data stored in memcache can be evicted, so if these jobs
are critical, it's best to use the persistent datastore. When a job is
assigned, you can update the corresponding entity with the agent's ID
inside of a transaction, and later query for all jobs assigned to a
particular agent. [7:38-7:40]

- Q: Are there any plans for an audio service, e.g. a service that can
convert MP3-encoded files to .wav or .ogg? A: No, but you can always
file a feature request if this is important to you. The public issue
tracker for bug reports and feature requests is located at [7:43, 7:45]

--FULL TRANSCRIPT---------------------------------------------------
[7:01pm] Jason_Google: Hi Everyone. Welcome to App Engine Chat Time,
our official office hour session. I'll be in the channel for the next
hour or so to answer any questions that come up.
[7:01pm] objectuser: wow, is everyone just shy or what?  a whole 2 min
have past
[7:02pm] objectuser: want to give us an update on releases, features
or anything cool while we wait for questions?
[7:02pm] objectuser:
[7:03pm] JoXo009: Hi, is this regular Thursday chat running here?
[7:03pm] egecko: any ETA on when we'll be able to post more than 1MB
of data to a process/thread
[7:03pm] Jason_Google: JoXo009: Yes indeed. Welcome.
[7:03pm] _mattd: seconding egecko's question. large(r) file uploads
would be awesome.
[7:04pm] Jason_Google: egecko: I believe the request limit size is 10
MB if I'm not mistaken...
[7:04pm] JoXo009: That means we have to jump out of bed 4 o'clock in
the morning
[7:05pm] Jason_Google: JoXo009: There is another session on the third
Wednesday of every month that might be better for your time zone. But
I'm glad you were able to join us anyway.
[7:05pm] egecko: hmm, I thought 10MB was for the file size when
uploading to app engine (using googleappenginelauncher for example)
[7:05pm] JoXo009: re limit: might be different max file size = 10MB
and max request size = 1 MB?
[7:05pm] pedromenezes: Jason_Google, do you plan to support wildcard
subdomain in appengine? a lot of people is asking (including me).
[7:05pm] egecko: but if I create a python app that accepts http post
then it was 1mb
[7:06pm] • tav waves
[7:06pm] tav: 3am here
[7:06pm] maxoizo: egecko: own domain or *
[7:06pm] pedromenezes: own domain
[7:06pm] MarcoPompei: I think large files uploads is in product
[7:06pm] ilanyf: 6:06 am here!
[7:06pm] pedromenezes: ops
[7:07pm] tav: ilanyf: ouch
[7:07pm] Jason_Google: pedromenezes: Not in the immediate future, I
believe. If there's an open issue in the tracker, make sure to star it
and encourage others to do the same, since we base the priorities in
large part on this feedback.
[7:07pm] egecko: maxo: either one
[7:07pm] rishabh__: Is it right to use my google app engine app as a
Personal CDN for my Blog or a Website
[7:07pm] pedromenezes: Jason_Google, 305 people starred
[7:07pm] pedromenezes: 306
[7:07pm] Jason_Google: egecko: Have you tried POSTing recently? I
don't have a test handy to try this, but if it doesn't work, then it's
clearly a bug.
[7:08pm] tav: Jason_Google: when will we be able to use more than
10,000 task insertions per day ?
[7:08pm] Jason_Google: pedromenezes: Thanks.
[7:08pm] pedromenezes: People, please star here for wildcard subdomain
[7:09pm] pedromenezes: Jason_Google, how many users must star to set
it high priority?
[7:09pm] Jason_Google: tav: If you need more task queue insertion
quota, please file a quota request.
[7:09pm] tav: pedromenezes: starred
[7:09pm] ryan_google: tav: also, enabling billing for you app might
raise that quota
[7:09pm] pedromenezes: tav, thanks, man.
[7:09pm] cringer: ~pedromenezes (nl|en) -> Attn, thanks, man.
[7:10pm] ryan_google: if not, it definitely will when the task queue
api moves out of labs
[7:10pm] ryan_google: (but no i don't have an eta for that :P)
[7:10pm] JoXo009: What are Google intentions with appengine - attract
cracks only  / attract small share of real developers/ attract a vast
market share of existing cloud computing / attract a broad audience of
users interested in publishing individual content?
[7:11pm] objectuser: i've not searched for this recently, but will it
ever be possible to invoke web services on ports other than 80?
[7:11pm] Jason_Google: pedromenezes: Your request is noted.
Unfortunately, I don't have an ETA on when you can expect it to be
rolled out.
[7:11pm] ryan_google: objectuser: we have no plans to expose ports
other than 80 and 443 right now
[7:11pm] ryan_google: (sorry)
[7:11pm] jgeerdes: Any idea if/when perl will be supported in
[7:11pm] objectuser: ryan_google: sorry, i meant outbound
[7:11pm] pedromenezes: Jason_Google, right, thanks for the attention
[7:11pm] italomaia: perl?
[7:12pm] rishabh__: Any idea if/when PHP will be supported in
[7:12pm] ryan_google: re perl, is there a jvm based implementation?
[7:12pm] italomaia: yeek
[7:12pm] _mattd: so, we can allow users to upload files up to 10mb?
[7:12pm] ryan_google: re php, quercus works right now!
[7:12pm] tav: Jason_Google: i'd like to be able to use Task Queues and
pay for them -- atm i feel quite uncomfortable using them since
they're set so low...
[7:12pm] egecko: _mattd: I'm trying to find my image uploader app to
test that now
[7:12pm] maxoizo: 2jgeerdes:
[7:12pm] rishabh__: Where can i get a modified version of wordpress,
which is capable to run with bigtable??
[7:12pm] Jason_Google: JoXo009: Hard question to answer. We want to
attract the developers that find App Engine useful for their needs.
And there are a lot of those developers out there.
[7:13pm] tav: ryan_google: i have billing enabled -- but there's no
additional task-specific quota manager on the billing console
[7:13pm] jgeerdes: maxoizo: Brilliant; thank you.
[7:13pm] _mattd: egecko: awesome
[7:13pm] ryan_google: tav: right, as i said, i didn't know for sure if
that would work. it definitely will eventually though.
[7:13pm] Jason_Google: tav: It's a flexible quota. You can file a
request and we may be able to lift it for you now without having to
pay extra.
[7:13pm] cringer: Poor UI + nightmarish documentation + terrible
performance hit = Flash
[7:13pm] rishabh__: ryan_google: But what about mysql?
[7:13pm] ryan_google: rishabh_: what about it?
[7:13pm] tav: Jason_Google: ah, cool! is there an upper limit for that
particular quota?
[7:13pm] rishabh__: Can we run mysql on google app engine??
[7:13pm] tav: rishabh__
[7:14pm] ryan_google: heh. no, we have no plans to offer a relational
db in app engine right now, whether mysql or anything else.
[7:14pm] Jason_Google: tav: How many insertions do you plan on
[7:14pm] rishabh__: Thanks
[7:14pm] tav: Jason_Google: about 10 million
[7:14pm] eribeiro: I've just seen that you're already supporting
Eclipse 1.5 (Galileo). It was released this week?
[7:14pm] objectuser: to clarify - will apps hosted on app engine ever
be able to interact with web services hosted elsewhere on ports other
that 80?
[7:15pm] tav: ryan_google: btw, was there any progress on the
"decentralised" transactions?
[7:15pm] Jason_Google: tav: I believe that's an order of magnitude or
so above the upper limit that I'm aware of. If you file a quota
request, I'll try to clarify this for you. As Ryan said, we may be
able to up the quota for everyone when the feature comes out of labs.
It's still relatively new.
[7:16pm] tav: Jason_Google: cool, thanks!
[7:16pm] ryan_google: objectuser: maybe eventually, but not in the
near future
[7:16pm] objectuser: gotcha.  (sadness) thanks.
[7:16pm] Jason_Google: eribeiro: Yes
[7:16pm] ryan_google: tav: distributed txes? for the record, that's
being done by people outside the team
[7:16pm] rishabh__: ryan_google: is there any modified version of
wordpress that can use the google Database system as the database
engine, instead of mysql
[7:16pm] ryan_google: having said that, the java implementation has
been pretty much done for a while now. i'll ping the guy writing it to
see if i can convince him to post it.
[7:17pm] ryan_google: he does plan to open sourc eit.
[7:17pm] ryan_google: it'll be in
[7:17pm] tav: Jason_Google / ryan_google -- i also had a few
criticisms / suggestions regarding app engine --
[7:17pm] ryan_google: tav: thanks! will read.
[7:17pm] tav: ryan_google: ah, i thought it had additional support
from you guys on the datastore front?
[7:17pm] ryan_google: rishabh: i don't know. maybe google does?
[7:17pm] rishabh__: ok, Thanks
[7:18pm] _mattd: Jason_Google, ryan_google: any thoughts on a google-
issued full-text search solution?
[7:18pm] tav: ryan_google: the feature that i thought you might be
interested in particularly would be #2 -- having an __index__ property
[7:18pm] ryan_google: mattd: we want it!!!
[7:18pm] _mattd: cool!
[7:18pm] _mattd: ryan_google: is it in the cards?
[7:18pm] Jason_Google: _mattd: One of Ryan's favorite topics.
[7:18pm] _mattd: heh
[7:19pm] ryan_google: re full text search, in all seriousness, it's
coming, eventually. it's a difficult problem though. among many other
reasons, 1) google is very good at unstructured search, but we don't
have nearly as much infrastructure for structured search...
[7:19pm] _mattd: dont make me use yahoo boss
[7:19pm] ryan_google: 2) most of google's search infrastructure uses
in-memory indices. that's not cost effective for app engine apps.
(seriously. you'd cry if you saw what we'd have to charge you.)
[7:19pm] jgeerdes: _mattd: Ouch; that was harsh
[7:19pm] ryan_google: those are two big reasons it's going to take
some work on our part. there are lots of others. still, we're actively
thinking about it!
[7:20pm] _mattd: cool. good to know this – thanks for sharing
[7:20pm] howell: hey, i'm having trouble getting the appengine to work
with java
[7:20pm] tav: ryan_google: adding a labs support for a __index__
property should only take you a few days     the idea is that instead
of returning the entity itself, queries return the entity referred to
by the __index__ property of an entity...
[7:20pm] howell: can anyone help?
[7:20pm] JoXo009: Re Google intentions: It's a two sided issue, you
will attract the more developers the more you invest in improving your
service. So I think you will have something like an investment plan -
let's use a X-engeneers team for development to reach 100.000 apps
with traffic X and turnover Y - but we aren't prepared to take more
than 200.000 as our infrastructure wouldn't fit - This possible limit
is why I'm asking. If there would be a development more an
[7:21pm] Jason_Google: howell: What's the trouble?
[7:21pm] objectuser: howell: the google group is a great place to get
help and ... well, if you have a question, ask away!
[7:21pm] ryan_google: tav: i don't really understand the proposal.
would this differ materially from the current module? (also
this might be more appropriate for a longer writeup, discussed
[7:21pm] howell: i run "bin\dev_appserver.cmd demos\guestbook\war"
[7:21pm] cringer: ~howell (pt|en) -> i run "bin \ dev_appserver.cmd
demos \ guestbook \ war"
[7:22pm] tav: related to that, what's the best way of doing a) Map
Reduce on top of App Engine -- i.e. doing on-demand Map Reduce on data
within the datastore and b) a Tuple store for event pub/sub
[7:22pm] ryan_google: joxo: there isn't a direct relationship between
the number of engineers we have on the team and the number of apps we
can support
[7:22pm] howell: and i get an error when i view the page @ localhost
[7:22pm] ryan_google: 200k apps doesn't really take more engineers
than 100k apps
[7:22pm] ryan_google: features, stabillity, etc, however, do.
[7:23pm] Jason_Google: howell: Sounds like there might be a
configuration error in your setup. I echo objectuser's suggestion of
posting your full stack trace in the discussion group. We're generally
fast about answering that type of problem.
[7:23pm] tav: ryan_google: well, it's for the general pattern of
"Relational Entities/Indexes" (as i think i heard another App Engine
dev talk about) -- but instead of having to use the key_only
methodology and then use some form of ...
[7:23pm] ryan_google: tav: a number of people have written about
mapreduce-style processing on top of app engine. see e.g. httpmr.
especially now, the task queue is totally applicable. the only thing
you're missing is efficient intermediate storage and an efficient
shuffle phase.
[7:24pm] howell: i'm pretty frustrated with the java side. python was
soo much more straight forward
[7:24pm] ryan_google: tav: i assume you've looked at the
[7:24pm] tav: ... .parent() or decoding of related entity key info
from the key itself, referring directly to the entity you want to
return in an optional __index__ property
[7:24pm] Jason_Google: howell: Have you tried the Eclipse plugin by
any chance?
[7:24pm] tav: ryan_google: yes, i've seen
[7:24pm] ryan_google: the foreign key/reference support isn't really
the issue
[7:24pm] howell: yea, that worked, but i can't really get a feel for
how it works with eclipse
[7:25pm] _mattd: quote from a friend while talking about appengine vs.
self-managed hosting: "conceptually, appengine to me harkens back to
mainframe computing (not that i was around for that :), leasing cpu
cycles and other resources, portability issues, vendor lock-in, etc.
except they've renamed it to cloud computing."
[7:25pm] howell: i want to break it down to the bare bones
[7:25pm] ryan_google: building and serving a full-fledged reverse
keyword index, in anything remotely resembling realtime, based on
structured data, that's the hard part
[7:25pm] howell: and go from there
[7:25pm] howell: im trying to write a tutorial that my professor can
[7:25pm] ryan_google: mattd: that's a pretty broad criticism. seems
like it applies to any shared hosting or vps provider.
[7:25pm] howell: im a student at the university of texas at dallas
[7:25pm] tav: ryan_google: hmz, i'm not talking in the context of text
[7:26pm] ryan_google: granted, their pricing models are much more
coarse grained than aws, us, or azure...but otherwise it's the same
[7:26pm] ryan_google: tav: ok, then i guess i don't know what problem
you're trying to solve...?
[7:26pm] Jason_Google: howell: I see. Well, I'd still suggest trying
out the Eclipse plugin. I appreciate that you want to get as low-level
as possible, but there is some value in having an app ready to deploy
in two clicks. Still, please provide the full stack trace in the
discussion group, and I'll take a look soon.
[7:26pm] tav: just as a generic pattern -- it's something which would
make having "associated/relational" entities much much easier/cheaper
and fits in perfectly with how you've implemented the datastore (at
least as far as i understand it)
[7:27pm] JoXo009: Re Google intentions: It's clear Engeneers are just
couse of quality - the number of apps depends on infrastructure, not
on engeneers. There remains the question if Google is interested in a
boost of users with the need of setting up more infrastructure or is
infrastructure limited on some certain number?
[7:27pm] tav: ryan_google: perhaps chat later?
[7:27pm] _mattd: googlers: any upcoming features offering geospatial
querying? you guys have some sort of mapping software, right?
[7:27pm] howell: can you see
[7:28pm] egecko: ok my 5MB photo upload failed ..  I'm using this app:
[7:28pm] ryan_google: mattd: we'd love to have built in geohashing
[7:28pm] ryan_google: something like hilbert curves
[7:28pm] ryan_google: it's not a high priority right now, but there
are app engine libraries that do it in userland
[7:28pm] ryan_google: threads on the group describe that
[7:28pm] maxoizo: 2Jason_Google: Are you plan to share javadocs about
[7:28pm] Jason_Google: _mattd: There has been work on this externally.
See the latest community update blog post for one example.
[7:29pm] Jason_Google: howell: No
[7:29pm] _mattd: cool
[7:29pm] Jason_Google: _mattd:
[7:29pm] howell: ok, well, how should i get the stack trace here
without spamming the whole channel?
[7:30pm] Jason_Google:
[7:30pm] ryan_google: howell: often you'll get better answers for
debugging questions like those in the groups than in chat time
[7:30pm] Jason_Google: howell: Right, please post in the group. Like I
said, you'll generally get a question pretty quick.
[7:30pm] ryan_google: maxoizo: we hadn't really considered it
[7:30pm] ryan_google: why?
[7:30pm] Jason_Google: howell: You can also search the group for that
error message since it's likely at least one other developer has
posted about it before.
[7:31pm] Wooble: egecko: are you using appspot, or a custom domain?
[7:31pm] ilanyf: howell, pls post in groups...
[7:31pm] egecko: Wooble:
[7:32pm] Wooble: well, that eliminates the obvious problem.
[7:32pm] Jason_Google: egecko: Do you see any error message in the
[7:32pm] howell: the console is telling me that i dont have "javac"
[7:33pm] ryan_google: howell: sounds like you need to install the jdk
[7:33pm] JoXo009: re search in group: that's pretty poor - often there
is a lot of content, but you don't get results. For example 'exploding
indices' delivers zero result. How could you know that you have to ass
for 'exploding index' - some search improvement would be very nice.
[7:33pm] howell: but i've install the java 6 sdk
[7:33pm] Jason_Google: howell: Ah, that indicates that you don't have
a JDK installed, or at least that the system isn't finding it.
[7:33pm] ilanyf: howell, if you find one, pls post a shortened link
[7:33pm] egecko: The request to API call images.Transform() was too
[7:33pm] dramus: When I was first trying to use GAE, I tried using
Pylons however you need appengine-monkey and it seems very finicky,
and I eventually switched to using the built-in framework. Are there
any plans to make other Python frameworks work better out of the box,
any work/communication being done with other framework authors?
[7:34pm] Jason_Google: egecko: Ah, you're trying to transform the
image. Yes, any images passed into the Images service are limited to 1
[7:34pm] egecko: ahh, is the .. took the words out of my mouth
[7:34pm] maxoizo: ryan_google: what's reason? I think that
CapabilityDisabledException/etc must be documentated...
[7:34pm] Jason_Google: egecko: No immediate plans to change this that
I know of, unfortunately.
[7:34pm] egecko: but good to know that I can upload files up to 10MB
and I assume I can store a 10MB file as a blob in the datastore?
[7:35pm] gaeNOOB: java - is the grails webflow supported in appengine?
[7:35pm] Jason_Google: egecko: No, not yet, but this is coming sooner
rather than later. It's on the roadmap.
[7:35pm] egecko: so I could upload a 10MB file, I'd just have to chunk
it into 1MB blobs?
[7:35pm] Jason_Google: gaeNOOB: See
[7:36pm] Jason_Google: egecko: Yes
[7:36pm] egecko: got it, thanks
[7:36pm] howell: Hey, check out the page I made for my nephew a few
weeks ago.
[7:36pm] howell: the appengine made it really easy to get this up fast
[7:37pm] howell: i wrote it all on my eeepc in a few days
[7:37pm] Jason_Google: howell: And it will scale too, when your whole
family logs in at once.  Congrats!
[7:37pm] JoXo009: howell: you could put up such a project as static
html within 2 hours
[7:37pm] objectuser: scaling to dozens ... now that's what i'm talking
[7:38pm] egecko: Jason: another questions. Would you recommend
datastore or memcache to solve the problem of having a queue of jobs
that need to be assigned to agents where multiple agents are logging
in to grab the next available job and there's a chance two agents may
login at the same time
[7:38pm] pedromenezes: hahaha
[7:38pm] howell: objectuser: yea, easily
[7:38pm] ryan_google: egecko: if you use memcache, you'll lose jobs
[7:38pm] ryan_google: if/when they're evicted
[7:38pm] ryan_google: so, probably datastore
[7:39pm] egecko: my current mysql method is to update the record with
the id of the agent then go back and select records that match that
agent's id .. can I do the same with datastore?
[7:40pm] howell: Jason_Google: You mean the load will disperse between
more servers as they get more requests?
[7:40pm] ryan_google: egecko: yes
[7:40pm] egecko: so every time an agent hits the server, it tries to
do an update
[7:40pm] Jason_Google: howell: Yes, if you get enough load.
[7:40pm] egecko: gotcha
[7:40pm] howell: hooray clouding!
[7:40pm] howell: (never got enough load tho)
[7:40pm] Jason_Google: App Engine spins up (and spins down) instances
of your application as necessary.
[7:40pm] oktopus_:   My (open source) gae apps could easily be
tailored so that they could be used by visa, mastercard, or amex
cardholders to make anonymous charitable contributions. Does anyone
have a contact with any of these companies so I could discuss the
opportunities with someone in the industry?
[7:40pm] ryan_google: egecko: you'll need to use a transaction, ie
begin tx, get the job, check that it's still unclaimed, mark it
claimed by the given agent, commit
[7:40pm] cringer: tragedy: noun - literary piece in which the
unfortunate protagonist is compelled to use MSIE.
[7:40pm] ryan_google: otherwise yes
[7:41pm] howell: Have ya'll seen the cloud at Rackspace? or worked
with it any?
[7:41pm] Wooble: oktopus_: If I'm not mistaken, unless you're a bank
those companies don't want to talk to you.
[7:41pm] egecko: ryan: I didn't know we could do transactions, can you
direct me to a faq/link? or you mean I handle my own transaction/lock
[7:42pm] ryan_google:
[7:42pm] egecko: very cool, thanks
[7:42pm] Jason_Google: oktopus_: Can't you set up a Paypal donations
box on your application? Then users can proxy their donations through
Paypal to you.
[7:43pm] egecko: any plans for an audio manipulation API similar to
images? convert wav , ogg etc to mp3
[7:44pm] ming_swok: jason_google: is there an update on inbound email
for AppEngine (java & python)?
[7:44pm] oktopus_: This would finesse Paypal and use regular credit
[7:44pm] egecko: I second ming_swok's question
[7:44pm] howell: OK, figured it out, I just needed to add javac to my
[7:44pm] howell: that was silly
[7:44pm] Jason_Google: howell: Glad you figured it out.
[7:45pm] howell: i'm on a computer that isn't linux
[7:45pm] Wooble: egecko: unless google buys an audio sharing site with
built-in editing, I don't see them introducing anything like that.
[7:45pm] ming_swok: We created on java AppEngine. This
is inbound email is one of the key issues holding us back
[7:45pm] Jason_Google: egecko: None that I'm aware of. Please file a
feature request in the issue tracker if this is important to you.
[7:45pm] ilanyf: howell, hhehe...
[7:45pm] JoXo009: How about the Google 'Checkout' payment system? Can
payment via Checkout be integrated into an appengine application?
[7:45pm] Jason_Google: ming_swok: It's coming. I can't give you the
timeline, but it's an active project.
[7:47pm] Wooble: ming_swok: see smtp2web
[7:47pm] oktopus_: I cannot find out from Visa or Mastercard or Amex
if credit card purchases can be made only with the card number being
supplied and *without* the cardholders name, for example. If so, then
any bank could add such a feature to their credit card via such an
[7:48pm] ming_swok: jason_google: Thks. Been in touch with Fred Sauer
regarding AppEngine Java. Was hoping to understand the structure of
the appengine dev team. wld appreciate if there is a pg showing the
developers working on appengine
[7:48pm] maxoizo: Discover the secret, xmpp and upcoming email will be
used taskqueue's queues?
[7:48pm] ilanyf: oktopus_, need name, number, expiry date, and
sometimes the 3-digit number too
[7:49pm] Jason_Google: ming_swok: Sorry, what do you mean by pg?
[7:49pm] oktopus_: ilanyf: yes to all those, except maybe *name*, I am
[7:49pm] ilanyf: Jason_Google, pg=page (web page)
[7:50pm] gaeNOOB: java - i last tried grails webflow and it won't work
- maybe u can re-confirm it.
[7:50pm] Jason_Google: Thanks.
[7:50pm] ilanyf: (-;
[7:50pm] Jason_Google: ming_swok: What are you looking for exactly? We
don't publicize the engineers working on our products if that's what
you're asking.
[7:51pm] ryan_google: having said that, many of the app engine team
members have given talks at google i/o and other conferences
[7:51pm] ilanyf: thank God for that policy!
[7:51pm] ryan_google: those proceedings are usually public
[7:51pm] objectuser:
[7:51pm] Jason_Google: gaeNOOB: I haven't tried it myself. Did you see
[7:51pm] Wooble: you should all wear masks at I/O talks.
[7:52pm] ilanyf: ming_swok, youtube is your friend too...
[7:52pm] cringer: ~ilanyf (fil|en) -> ming_swok, youtube is your
friend too ...
[7:52pm] ming_swok: I am trying to get intouch with AppEngine Java
developers. Socialwok will be @Googleplex hosting AppEngine Java with
Van Riper of JUG We are looking to
reach out to AppEngine Java dev team
[7:52pm] Jason_Google: Oh, cringer.
[7:52pm] ryan_google: heh. "hi everyone, thanks for coming to my talk!
my name is *BZZZT! REDACTED***..."
[7:52pm] ming_swok: The JUG meetup for AppEngine Java is 16 Sept 2009.
Meetup details will be up shortly
[7:52pm] objectuser: nice
[7:52pm] ryan_google: ming_swok: they all read the google-appengine-
java discussion group. try posting there?
[7:52pm] Jason_Google: ming_swok: You can send me or Fred a private
[7:53pm] Jason_Google: ming_swok: Also, Van knows who I am, so he can
get in touch with me directly too.
[7:53pm] ming_swok: thks
[7:54pm] Jason_Google: OK Everyone. I'll be here for about 5 more
minutes, so get your questions in.
[7:54pm] egecko: anyone from the appengine team coming to San Diego
any time soon? We'd like a googler to present at a GTUG meetup
[7:54pm] gaeNOOB: 2Jason_Google: yes, i did.
[7:54pm] Jason_Google: egecko: Nice, do you run the San Diego GTUG? I
[7:54pm] mikek: Hi appengine folks. Thanks for doing these sessions. A
few pieces of feedback - I'd love to see these soon a) SSL for custom
domains b) image API limits > 1 MB and c) > 10 second urlfetches
[7:54pm] objectuser: i didn't have a lot of questions this time ...
still basking in the joy that is the Eclipse 3.5 plugin ...
[7:54pm] egecko: hey Jason, I'm Sam from
[7:54pm] maxoizo: Discover the secret, xmpp and upcoming email will be
used taskqueue's queues? Repeat question
[7:55pm] Jason_Google: egecko: Ah, pleased to make your acquaintance.
I'm the same Jason in the GTUGs group.
[7:55pm] oktopus_: Please look at if you
want to see the idea behind my charitable giving app.
[7:55pm] mikek: all of these issues are killing me as I'm trying to
write an ecommerce app
[7:55pm] egecko: cool, nice to put a "face" to the name
[7:55pm] ryan_google: maxoizo: i don't believe so,  at least not
directly, but it's likely that they'll use the webhook pattern.
[7:55pm] ryan_google: no promises, though. they're still very much in
[7:56pm] Jason_Google: gaeNOOB: Thanks for posting about your issue.
Hopefully someone else who had success with Grails will follow up. Can
you post additional details like how it fails (stack trace, etc.)?
[7:56pm] Jason_Google: In your post
[7:56pm] maxoizo: ryan_google: thanks
[7:56pm] _mattd: thx guys!
[7:56pm] oktopus_: Yes, thanx to all
[7:57pm] ryan_google: mikek: none of those are high priorities for us
right now, unfortunately
[7:57pm] ming_swok: mikek: i second the ssl for custom domain
[7:57pm] _mattd: whats the highest feature priority on the list?
[7:57pm] Jason_Google: egecko: To answer your original question, I
don't know of any. But there's an active Irvine and Santa Monica
office who might be able to send someone for a special talk. Not any
App Engine team members, though.
[7:57pm] ryan_google: 1MB api limits are unlikely to change in the
near term
[7:57pm] ryan_google: urlfetch >10s is possible, but not an active
[7:57pm] ming_swok: Socialwok is having hard time getting enterprises
to take our app seriously without SSL for custom domain
[7:57pm] ryan_google: SSL for custom domains, that would depend on
SNI, as we've discussed, so we can't really do that until SNI gets
more adoption
[7:58pm] mikek: custom SSL is required to make our biz look more
legit. it's a massive shortcoming if appengine is going to take off in
the biz community
[7:58pm] ryan_google: mattd: the roadmap is your friend
[7:58pm] egecko: will data transfer between a wave and appengine bot
continue to be counted as part of our quota? or are there plans to
have internal data be included for free? similar to how amazon EC2 ->
S3 data is not billed
[7:58pm] ryan_google: personally, i've been working a lot on
scalability, performance, and especially multihoming. details in
[7:58pm] mikek: and if every image has to be < 1 MB, it's very hard
for customers to use too.
[7:59pm] ryan_google: mikek: we totally understand. i assume you've
read the posts where we've described how custom domain SSL would
require SNI, which is still not widely adopted enough?
[7:59pm] Jason_Google: mikek: I believe you can up the URL Fetch
deadline to 10 seconds in Python already. It's coming for Java.
[7:59pm] ryan_google: (true, but not >10s)
[7:59pm] mikek: right up to 10 seconds - but if you want to do credit
card transactions, > 10 seconds is good
[8:00pm] mikek: yeah, i saw the post
[8:00pm] Jason_Google: Right, not greater than 10 seconds. Sorry,
missed the '>'
[8:00pm] mikek: but i still think, surely, there has to be another
[8:00pm] mikek:
[8:00pm] ming_swok: ryan_google: more info on SNI?
[8:01pm] mikek: all i'm saying is that i really want to use appengine
for *everything* because i love it so much
[8:01pm] mikek: but those 3 things are holding me back
[8:01pm] egecko: oh and naked domain support
[8:01pm] mikek: we're actually going to launch our ecommerce store on
[8:01pm] ming_swok: yes.
[8:01pm] mikek: and just hope we don't lose customers
[8:01pm] ryan_google: heh, understood. we appreciate the kind words,
at least!
[8:01pm] ryan_google: ming_swok: sorry, i'm not an sni expert, but our
blog post has links.
[8:02pm] ryan_google: ok, it's past 8pm, i'm turning into a pumpkin
[8:02pm] Jason_Google: OK Everyone, thanks for the great chat. We'll
be posting a full transcript in the group by the end of the week or
shortly thereafter. The next Chat Time will be two Wednesday from
today, 8/19 from 9:00-10:00 a.m. PDT.
[8:02pm] ryan_google: 'night all!
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