
I have recently moved over to the PHP flex environment after the standard 
environment dev server kept crashing. I am used to working with php on 
hosting providers like godaddy, bluehost, hostgator etc. Meaning that if I 
navigate to:
"mydomain.com/path/to/file" - then the server loads 
"mydomain.com/path/to/file/index.php" and everything just works. If I 
specify a specific file name and extension in the browser: then that 
specific file would load.

>From what I can understand: I have to do something by providing my own 
"nginx-app.conf" file when deploying, but I can't figure out how to write 
the location object to make it work...

Here is what I have now:

location / {
  # try to serve file directly, fallback to front controller
  try_files $uri /app.php$is_args$args;

which I pulled from one of the tutorials - but it's not working as desired.

Can someone please help me out?

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  • [google-appengine]... Jay-Nicolas Hackleman

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