Hi All,
   I have tried placing the lazy-init="true" in bean 
and default-lazy-init="true" beans level but does not stop spanning for the 
controller mapping.
   Not sure i am doing something wrong looks like a easy but could not make 
it work.

spring.xml file.
  <beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans";




<bean  class=
"org.springframework.web.servlet.handler.SimpleUrlHandlerMapping"  >

    <property name="mappings">


         <prop key="/hello/*">aController</prop>

         <prop key="/drive/*">driveController</prop>

        <prop key="/sheet/*">spreedsheet</prop>

        <prop key="/myjsonp/*">myjsonp</prop>






  <bean id="aController" class=
"com.test.bootstrap.controller.TimeConverterController" lazy-init="true" />

  <bean id="driveController" class=
"com.test.bootstrap.controller.GoogleDriveIntegration" />

  <bean id="spreedsheet" class=
"com.test.bootstrap.controller.GoogleSpreedSheetController" />

  <bean id="myjsonp" class="com.test.bootstrap.controller.JsonPController" 


  <bean id="employeeBean" class="com.test.bootstrap.main.Employee" lazy-init
="true" />

<bean id="addressBean" class="com.test.bootstrap.main.Address" lazy-init=
"true" />



<bean id="viewResolver" class=

<property name="basename" value="views"/>   





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