I asked this question already in the Google Webmasters group but I was
recommended to ask it here as they seem to think it might be AppEngine
related ...

"I have read the FAQs and checked for similar issues: YES

My site's URL (web address) is: http://bptrack.appspot.com

Description (including timeline of any changes made):
I have the following in my robot.txt file:

User-agent: *
Allow: /
Disallow: /datasource/

It has been that for over a month now yet when I look for my site on
google (site:http://bptrack.appspot.com), it only finds
http://bptrack.appspot.com/datasource/, exactly the URL I do not want
it to index.  It doesn't find any other URLs, including the main one
(http://bptrack.appspot.com).  Can anybody please explain to me how
that is possible?  Do I have a mistake in my robot.txt file
(eventhough I had it generated by Google Webmasters Tool)?


Through the google Websmasters Group I figured out that the robot.txt
file might not actually prevent that URL from being crawled and/or
indexed, however, http://bptrack.appspot.com/datasource/ is not even a
webpage, so it is "empty" AND inaccessible so why would that one be
indexed at all and none of the other pages which are accessible
("home" page, "about" and "contacts")?

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