In my application, I have a 'Contact Us' page for my users to fill in
if they want to send any feedback to me.  It requiers the user to
in a number of fields and to provide his/her email address.  A button
'Send' is used to send the user's filled form to me.

I am using the mail api to perform this task.  The problem is: my
application only accepts the
administrator email address. It does not check (as is documented if
the user is signed in or not then redirect him to sign in and back to
my application url)

My code looks like this:
class ContactusHandler (webapp.RequestHandler):

    def __init__(self):
        self.methods = ContactusMethods()

    def get(self):
        func = None
        action = self.request.get('action')
        args = ()
            while True:
                key = 'arg%d' % len(args)
                val = self.request.get(key)
                if val:
                    args = (simplejson.loads(val),)
            result = func(*args)

class ContactusMethods:

    def Contactus(self, *args):

        FName = str( args[0][0])   #first name
        LName = str( args[0][1])    #last name
        Email = str( args[0][2])      # visitor email address
        MessageBody = str( args[0][3])

        message = mail.EmailMessage(sender = Email, subject="My
        message.to = "<my email address>"
        message.body = MessageBody

Could you please advise me on what is going wrong here? Why does not
direct the user to the google login page?

Thank you very much,

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