Wow! I think you mixing static files with dinamic handlers.

I've tested it now and static files seems cannot been restricted by
adding "login: required" to app.yaml. So you have two ways.

One would be to restrict only handlers (python). the static resources
could be read by anyone in the web.

The other way is serve static content from the python files (not
recommended for big projects, I think it will increase latency and
quotas of you app).

Anyway, to enforce login you can add "login: required" as you have
said. If you want to limit pages (or even static files if you finally
do it that way) to a specific list of users you will have to store the
data, and check it in you python code.

class Example(webapp.RequestHandler):
  def get(self):
    if not users.get_current_user():
    # check here if current user is in the premium list

On 25 ene, 01:20, Jmlevick <> wrote:
> I have a Python based webapp, in wich one, I would like to use Google
> Accounts to let the users log in. it is simple, let's say my app is
> on:
> What I want to do is to "greet" the users with the Google Accounts
> Auth Screen when they navigate to the app, and only after logged in,
> let them see the App's interface.
> The other way to do it would be adding a static folder, let's say
> "premium" and in that case, All the users would be able to see app's
> interface without logging in, but let's say they want to go into:
> So, in that case, I would like to restrict all the "/premium" URL's to
> the logged in users...
> I understand it's easy to do by just adding this handler into my
> "app.yaml" file:
> - url: /premium/.*
>   script:
>   login: required
> But the thing is, I don't understand what does "" content
> has to be...
> Can you help me with this confusion? Thanks!

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