tasks and task queues should do that... schedule one task to run and
let that task schedule itself in 5 mins. remember that the eta is not
respected in dev env but will work once deployed.

On Feb 5, 11:38 pm, momijigari <r.oskol...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello!
> I've just started to work with Google App Engine. So I'm noob, and I
> ask for your patience.
> And I've never programmed with Java before, so I'm a noob twice.
> (but I'm a Flash Developer and am familiar with programming).
> I decided to write a small jabber bot running on Google App Engine.
> Have read an official tutorial 
> (http://code.google.com/intl/uk-UA/appengine/articles/using_xmpp.html
> )
> Well it was kinda mess but I managed to make a simple bot which says
> "hello" as an answer to anything.
> I don't even understand how did it work after deployment, cause i
> couldn't test anything locally. Kinda magic from google... I still
> dont understand the basic concept of how it all works, what class is
> triggered first, which one is basic, how they interact etc., and
> nobody even tried to explain that in Google documentation.
> May be you could advise me also some very VERY simple basic tutorials
> for the super noobs in the technology..
> But never mind, I have a different topic here.
> Now I have a simple question — I want my bot to make an action every 5
> minutes.
> How  can I set a scheduled event in Java?
> I've tried to understand the TasksQueue concept (from 
> herehttp://code.google.com/intl/uk/appengine/docs/java/taskqueue/overview...
> )
> But it makes absolutely no sense to me.
> I just need to trigger one function every 5 mins.
> What is the easiest way to do it?
> Thanks in advance.

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