Sometimes Google App Engine displays an error page. I think it is not
related with my application.

It says
Error: Server Error
The server encountered an error and could not complete your request.

If the problem persists, please report your problem and mention this
error message and the query that caused it.

Even report link redirects to App Engine home which it doesnt have any
support related things.

Also sometimes django gives strange DeadlineExceeded error on random
places like on import statements of core django modules. I could see
ViewDoesntExist error which was caused by core modules for example

<class 'django.core.exceptions.ViewDoesNotExist'>: Could not import
views. Error was: cannot import name signals
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/base/data/home/apps/trendybing/1.336175352323073178/", line 68, in <module>
  File "/base/data/home/apps/trendybing/1.336175352323073178/", line 65, in main
  File "/base/python_lib/versions/1/google/appengine/ext/webapp/", line 76, in run_wsgi_app
    result = application(env, _start_response)
  File "/base/python_lib/versions/third_party/django-1.0/django/core/
handlers/", line 239, in __call__
    response = self.get_response(request)
  File "/base/python_lib/versions/third_party/django-1.0/django/core/
handlers/", line 128, in get_response
    return self.handle_uncaught_exception(request, resolver, exc_info)
  File "/base/python_lib/versions/third_party/django-1.0/django/core/
handlers/", line 160, in handle_uncaught_exception
    return callback(request, **param_dict)
  File "/base/python_lib/versions/third_party/django-1.0/django/views/", line 24, in server_error
    return http.HttpResponseServerError(t.render(Context({})))
  File "/base/python_lib/versions/third_party/django-1.0/django/
template/", line 176, in render
    return self.nodelist.render(context)
  File "/base/python_lib/versions/third_party/django-1.0/django/
template/", line 768, in render
    bits.append(self.render_node(node, context))
  File "/base/python_lib/versions/third_party/django-1.0/django/
template/", line 781, in render_node
    return node.render(context)
  File "/base/python_lib/versions/third_party/django-1.0/django/
template/", line 97, in render
    return compiled_parent.render(context)
  File "/base/python_lib/versions/third_party/django-1.0/django/
template/", line 176, in render
    return self.nodelist.render(context)
  File "/base/python_lib/versions/third_party/django-1.0/django/
template/", line 768, in render
    bits.append(self.render_node(node, context))
  File "/base/python_lib/versions/third_party/django-1.0/django/
template/", line 781, in render_node
    return node.render(context)
  File "/base/python_lib/versions/third_party/django-1.0/django/
template/", line 24, in render
    result = self.nodelist.render(context)
  File "/base/python_lib/versions/third_party/django-1.0/django/
template/", line 768, in render
    bits.append(self.render_node(node, context))
  File "/base/python_lib/versions/third_party/django-1.0/django/
template/", line 781, in render_node
    return node.render(context)
  File "/base/python_lib/versions/third_party/django-1.0/django/
template/", line 373, in render
    url = reverse(self.view_name, args=args, kwargs=kwargs)
  File "/base/python_lib/versions/third_party/django-1.0/django/core/", line 254, in reverse
    *args, **kwargs)))
  File "/base/python_lib/versions/third_party/django-1.0/django/core/", line 227, in reverse
    possibilities = self.reverse_dict.getlist(lookup_view)
  File "/base/python_lib/versions/third_party/django-1.0/django/core/", line 169, in _get_reverse_dict
    self._reverse_dict.appendlist(pattern.callback, (bits, p_pattern))
  File "/base/python_lib/versions/third_party/django-1.0/django/core/", line 133, in _get_callback
    raise ViewDoesNotExist, "Could not import %s. Error was: %s" %
(mod_name, str(e))

It seems it couldn't import signal module. I think this kind of things
is result of module caching mechanism of python itself. I am sure
Google engineers try to find efficient way to minimize startup time of
application it self. But if you try to build business over Google App
Engine , you should wait a little bit.
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