Hello All,I am working on an application and got stuck in design phase I
hope you guyz can help me out. I have several doubts related to performance
and modelling.

In my application i store some hierarchical data and not sure how to do it.

for e.g. say you have data organized as

  |         |___red---Iron----apples
  |         |      |       |____something
  |         |      |
  |         |      |___Viatamins ---- litchies
  |         |
  |         |___green----Iron-----apples
  |                |_____Vitamin E ----- guava
  |____vegetable-------category1 -----category2----category3
  |          |________________
  |          |             |________
  |          |________________________________
  |                                 |____                |____
  |____fried                    |_______
             |__similarly here

Is there a clean way to store this kind of data in appengine. I mean what
should be classes , their properties etc.

In my case the sub categories can upto a depth of 10, with each level having
100s of categories.
I will be executing queries to lookup by any node, so basically i can do
lookup by fruit or apple or food as a whole.

My applcation is going to have a search box where user will be writing his
search items, I would like to suggest them the correct word if they do a
spelling mistake, so if they type frut i wil suggest them to type fruit.
The way i am thinking of implementing it is to for each word entered do a
comparison with each node element with a relaxation of 2, so if the word
matched except at two points i will go ahead and suggest it. I think as i
need to have sequential traversal of all the nodes, which may take a lot of
time and resources, I should store it somewhere to do faster lookup like in
memcache, what are your suggestions.

Are there any standard APIs to send sms from application. I asked about this
in other thread but haven't got any reply, I hope I will get some answers
this time.

I am quiet new to web site designing and any other suggestion or some
pointers to general design principles would be great.


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