I've sort of been 'visioneering' some web apps that I might implement
on GAE, and as I am inclined to do, I've been thinking about the best-
case scenarios, and scalability to that point.

I note that for billed apps, there's a request limit of 43m requests
per day - calculated from a limit of 500 requests per second.

I've a couple of questions about this - is this based on some average
amount of CPU time used? If so, if an app uses less CPU time on
average for its requests, could it break this limit without applying
to Google for a limit raise? Is it a hard limit, or can it vary up and
down based on CPU time used per request?

Secondly, and about that limit-raise - it seems to be spun as a last
resort in case of extraordinary spikes in traffic. However, what if
your application start to persistently/permanently require significant
amounts of resources in excess of the standard limits? Will Google
accommodate such applications?

For example I was reading about one less well known software-as-a-
service platform out there that mentioned it is processing 4 billion
API requests per month (yes, believe it or not, this service isn't
very high profile, which makes me wonder how many such apps are out
there!). The current limits on GAE bring you to about 1 billion
requests per month, and this assumes an even distribution of requests
over that period (500 per second). But one has to think that with a
'real' application such as the one I mention, its request load will
vary to quite a degree. Some seconds it may need to deal with...1000,
2000, 3000, 4000+ requests in a second. Perhaps more still.

If push came to shove and a GAE app grew to a point where it
permanently/persistently needed resources beyond the current limits,
would Google accommodate this and accommodate growth to the level seen
by the service above?

If you did grow an app to this point on GAE...it would be an absolute
pain in the ass if Google turned around and said 'sorry guys, you'll
have to go somewhere else', particularly given the amount of
'googleness' in the platform, and the difficulty of bringing that
elsewhere if you needed to. So I guess this is why I'm asking
upfront :)

PS: I know we're dealing with a fair bit of pie-in-the-sky here. But I
still think it's a question worth addressing.

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